Uterine Hyperplasia Found
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What my doctor initially thought she saw on a TVU turned out to be uterine hyperplasia when she looked at it more closely during a Hysteroscopy. She also took a biopsy and I'm awaiting results as to if it's the atypical kind that can cause cancer. She said my choices if it is not the cancer type is progesterone and a repeat biopsy in 3 months to check things or a hysterectomy if it's the pre cancer type. I am 51 and beginning menopause without a period since the end of May although I started some type of bleeding (it may be a light period) this past Sunday. I was told I have too much estrogen at the moment which I knew since I have been having copious amounts of cervical mucus since my periods stopped in May. I suspected something wasn't right and decided to further investigate.
Is there anyone out there who has been through this and can offer advice? I am really overwhelmed with all of this at the moment as I am a cancer survivor (thyroid 2008) and I really hate hearing the words cancer and surgery.
By the way, the biopsy hurt like crazy. I thought I was going to pass out. They told me to take 2 Advil before my appointment but they really should have knocked me out. I am not looking forward to repeating that procedure in 3 months if indicated!
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sandeep08592 Catgirl
yes hyperscopy are not pleasant. I had a GA in May as had to do it again to remove a polyp on my uterus!
How do you feel about having a hysterectomy?
Catgirl sandeep08592
part of me thinks it would just be the easiest and most permanent option. I cannot go through repeated biopsies every 3 months and the possible side effects of the progesterone.
sandeep08592 Catgirl
yes I agree....its not a pleasant experience and you shouldn't have to. Especially with your history a hysterectomy is the best option. keep me posted on how you are doing x
Gigi368 Catgirl
I took progesterone in my 20s for HEAVY periods, unaware my fibroids were growing like crazy. Had my hysterectomy but kept my ovaries in 2001, I was 32. Best surgery ever lol.. but still doing the meno journey bc of keeping my ovaries. If you go that route request a vaginal hysterectomy! I went In on a Monday, released on Tuesday by Friday I was feeling so good I did what I was told NOT to do 🤣 i drove myself to go play darts.
Good Luck with whatever you decide and prayers!
Catgirl Gigi368
Thank you. I appreciate your prayers.
just an update...
my bloodwork came back normal. no cancer markers showing in the CA 125. My FSH and LH were normal which really surprised me. The last time I was tested in June my FSH was off the charts "menopausal". I've been told that this time during periomenopause results in wild swings with the hormones. My uterine biopsy came back as "simple" uterine hyperplasia so the protocol should be progesterone and repeat biopsies. Not looking forward to the biopsies but kind of glad I can avoid a hysterectomy at the moment.
I also have some annoying right hip and sometimes back pain that I have to get checked out. It bothers me most after getting up after sitting for a while, like after a long car ride. it takes me about 10 seconds to straighten out. My gyno said its not related to anything gynocological and that I should see a neurologist or neurosurgeon. I'm going to see my gp first and see what he thinks. It all started when my periods stopped in June. I find it hard to believe that it's not related to menopause. Anyone have any hip/back issues related to this transition? Could this be because I have too much estrogen in related to the progesterone? Is it possible that when I take the progesterone it may help this issue?