Uterine Stripe
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I just recently had a transvaginal U/S and my Dr wants me to have a biopsy because my uterine stripe measured 4.1mm. My FSH level came back as post menopause and I had spotting a month ago. Although, my last period was in July 2017. Just curious if this is considered an abnormal thickness. I thought the threshold was around 5mm for post menopause. My Dr is very thorough and I wouldn’t want it any other way but it does cause me some anxiety
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gailannie dawnm1970
Dawn, you are correct that a post menopausal lining is 3-5 mm. Since your last period was in July, you have yet to reach that 1 year mark without a period. You can, and probably are, still producing some estrogen, just not enough to create a monthly cycle. Hence the spotting. Many women will have a random period in this phase. In my final year, I tapered to a period every six months before things stopped entirely. Just keep in mind that each women will still produce estrogen, and if tested, some women who are no longer having periods can still have estradiol levels of nearly 50 pg/ml. Enough so they still feel right, sleep well, and they aren't have hot flashes and night sweats, just not enough to create normal cycles.
I know you said your doctor is thorough, so you might feel better if you had the biopsy. However, I don't think you would be out of line to ask to wait for awhile and see if there is any more random spotting. Either way, I certainly wouldn't worry about it. This is all very normal for this menopause transition.
dawnm1970 gailannie
Thank you ladies for your response, I greatly appreciate getting feedback on this new transition in my life. I live in the US and it appears we have the same guidelines as you do in the U.K. The nurse explained to me that the threshold for uterine lining was 5mm but because I had some slight discharge (2 times only, one month ago) it was suggested I have the biopsy. Yes, all these different hormones and their fluctuations are so confusing, thank you for shedding some light on them for me. And from what I’ve read a FSH test is unreliable for detecting menopause because it seems women can still have a period when those levels are elevated into PM range. Many thanks to you both 😊
ZoeyG dawnm1970
I agree with GailAnnie, you’ve not had a clear year of not having a period so you can’t be considered as being post menopause. Also your hormones will still vary during this time. I also read in a scientific gynaecology paper that states the endometrial lining should not exceed 11mm post menopause so you are well within range. This is a UK guideline, not sure which country you are in. Have the biopsy as it will put your mind at rest. Best wishes.
dawnm1970 ZoeyG
Thank you ladies for your response, I greatly appreciate getting feedback on this new transition in my life. I live in the US and it appears we have the same guidelines as you do in the U.K. The nurse explained to me that the threshold for uterine lining was 5mm but because I had some slight discharge (2 times only, one month ago) it was suggested I have the biopsy. Yes, all these different hormones and their fluctuations are so confusing, thank you for shedding some light on them for me. And from what I’ve read a FSH test is unreliable for detecting menopause because it seems women can still have a period when those levels are elevated into PM range. Many thanks to you both 😊
Thank you ladies for your response, I greatly appreciate getting feedback on this new transition in my life. I live in the US and it appears we have the same guidelines as you do in the U.K. The nurse explained to me that the threshold for uterine lining was 5mm but because I had some slight discharge (2 times only, one month ago) it was suggested I have the biopsy. Yes, all these different hormones and their fluctuations are so confusing, thank you for shedding some light on them for me. And from what I’ve read a FSH test is unreliable for detecting menopause because it seems women can still have a period when those levels are elevated into PM range. Many thanks to you both 😊
julie59402 dawnm1970
dawnm1970 julie59402
Been having irregular periods for almost 4.5 years.