Uti and postmenopause

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Please ladies can u help me .I am about to start my 6th lot of Antibiotics This time i have been put on the nitrofurantoin. for a week as the 3 day course is not clearing my uti .I am 60 and. have had this on and off since April .No blood in urine only showing E.coli bacteria .What i am worried about if these dont clear it this time i have to have bladder scan and test done .My anxietys all over the place and my mind is in turmoil please help me ..

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Wen,

    I can feel your anxiety with what your going through. Antibiotics are not good for us because they kill off our good bacteria too. Too much use of them can bring on other issues that we don't want but sometimes antibiotics are very much needed to clear things up.

    Just a suggestion being the antibiotics don't seem to be clearing your UTI that you might consider trying is a supplement called D-Mannose You can order it on line. It doesn't raise havoc with your good bacteria. It works pretty slick if used right. Look up some of the reviews how to use it. People seem to have good results. Good luck.

    • Posted

      I havent heard of these but i am happy to try anything i am so fed up with this now .Have u used them before and if so what dose did u use .There seems so many on the market not sure which to try .

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      I get mine in a powder. You mix a teaspoon in a 8 oz glass of water typically in the morning. You drink the mix and wait 40 min or so and then drink lots of water. Then of course you start peeing a lot. What happens when you drink the powder mix ( which is some kind of natural sugar ) the bacteria cling to the mix you drink because it likes the sugar, then by drinking lots of water you pee the bad bacteria out that has clung to the sugar substance. Worth a try. Its totally miserable having a UTI let alone one that won't go away.

    • Posted

      Thank you Jude i have just ordered some powder worth a try .I really don't want to have investigated done if I can help it .My worse thing is going on Google I absolutely frighten myself and bring on my health anxiety big time .What a nightmare this all is .

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      I am 59. I've been on bio identical hormones for almost 4 years now. No problems with UTI's. I think its important to keep our hormones up and this is one area where it helps. The loss of estrogen to that lower area wreaks havoc and leaves us open to more infections down there. Some women do well that can't take estrogen for various reasons to get on testosterone replacement. If your open to hormone replacement a good doctor that knows what their doing is a critical piece of the puzzle on making hormone replacement a success. This is a thought even in addition to the D-Mannose.

    • Posted

      Thank u for your help .I started hormone pesseries. middle of may and Dr said they can take upto 12 weeks to get into the system in some .I am so fed up with things now it makes me feel so on edge .I am going away Saturday for a week armed with all the dam pills etc praying it goes away this time .

  • Posted

    im sorry to hear this. I had two bad utis and ended up with a kidney infection, which was terrifying. i started estrogen patches and have had no problems now for nearly two years. if full strength hrt is not your thing, you can also ask gp for vagifem pessaries. they are a very low dose of estrogen inserted vaginally. good luck. x

    • Posted

      Thank u lydia for your reply this is a constant nightmare at the moment .I started those pesseries med May Dr said they can take upto 12 weeks for some to work .I am now on nitrofurantoin for 7 days hope to god they work this time. I have tried to do all the things they advise but still there .Thank god it is only e.coli bacteria and NO BLOOD. showing .At times like this i feel so alone .xx

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