UTI during menopause?
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Hello ladies hoping I could get some insight on uti s during menopause.. now I've never ever in my life had a uti, but last month I developed burning while peeing and after my shower, it then felt like it traveled up into stomach and eventually went to pain higher up on left side 2 to 3 inch up from belly button but way over to left side..and had extra dryness with the burning very uncomfortable..all lasted around a week and went away.. here it is exactly one month almost to the day and I'm starting to feel the dry burning when I pee or shower again, no pain yet but its only been a day and I'm sure that's coming..my mother gets these at 76 and can be quite bad for her with bad fever and hallucinations and very onry gets mad and argumentative, very uncharacteristic of her sweet personality.. so this concerns me I don't want to end up like that as I would be lost with no guidance if they got as bad as hers..its almost like she has dementia for the times hers flare up.. she is living with me , we share the same toilet, but I don't think this is something you can catch but I'm not sure, I just read that.. is this a new monthly symptom that any of you ladies get while going through your menopause journey? does it come and go monthly for any of you? seems like some awful set of symptoms are always replaced with something else..its frustrating!
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pamela2016 Gypsy014
i had a UTI in February never got them til perimenopause sorry your dealing with this as well
Gypsy014 pamela2016
Thanks Pamela I just hope this isn't going to be a recurring thing..
Gigi368 Gypsy014
Our bladders depend on estrogen, so uti's are not uncommon. With that being said vaginal dryness can mimic a uti. If you haven't tried any home "remedies" yet, coconut oil is a good first step, its soothing and a natural antibacterial. Theres a million moisturizers out there. None of those worked for me so my gyno put me on a vaginal estrogen cream I use 2x a week. As far as your mom goes you can try the same with her, the nursing home my mom was in used vaginal estrogen on the ladies that were prone to uti's, a small tablet called vagifem. It would be worth a trip to a gyno for both of you. Vaginal dryness can cause all kinds of issues. Do some of your own research on it and you'll probably find some if not all your issues are linked to it.
Good Luck!
Gypsy014 Gigi368
Thanks gigi yes I think this is the beginning of dryness starting for me as it cycled itself from last month almost to the day.. and with my mom yes definitely heard that those nursing places use the estrogen on their females that are prone to it.. in fact we just mentioned it to her doctor, and she said she was willing to give it to her but wants her to start with a mammogram first then a yearly one after as it is a hormone.. and well then we got hit with this virus and can't take a chance on bringing her to any hospital right now until this all goes away.. so we are kind of back to square one.. thanks for sharing..