uti frequency and antibiotics?

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posted a few days ago about a uti i am having, but this one is, I guess, a little more basic. 

I have semi-frequent Uti's (7 in past 10 years, 3 of which were in 2015). Trimethoprim wasnt working. it took the pain away temporarily but it came back two days later pretty bad even though I was still taking the trimethoprim. Went to my doctor, he prescribed me with Cephalexin after a urine sample that was VERY POSITIVE for bacteria and blood. Cephalexin has done the trick, i barely feel any pain. What I wanted to know was that if it was normal to feel a little bit of discomfort even after the cephalexin has started to kick in. it has only been 24 hours since i started taking it and although the pain is gone i am still very nervous as the trimethoprim didnt work and it came back worse within two days. I know I should know because ive had a history of them (since I was 3 years old), but every time it happens I automatically shut what occurred out and try to forget about it. 

Please let me know if this is normal. Is feeling a little bit of discomfort even after finishing antibiotics normal too? I just wanna know in advance. 

thank you all!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Even though you finished your antibiotics 24 hours ago the medication will still be in your bloodstream for another couple of days so I wouldn't worry too much at the moment, see how you feel tomorrow 
    • Posted

      Oo I'm sorry I don't think I explained myself properly sad 

      I havent actually finished the medication. 

      Its only been 24 hours since i STARTED the cephalexin. So sorry!

      I was curious if its normal to feel discomfort even after 24 hours of taking antibiotics. I guess it is after reading your response. Thank you! smile 

    • Posted

      Sorry danni it was probably me reading too quickly. Yes it is normal to still have discomfort after only 24 hours, it's usually about 48 hours before the antibiotic starts to give you some relief particularly as it sounds as though you have a nasty infection as well. 

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