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I have a nerogenic bladder and must cather 2 or 3 times per day and still have UTI's infrequently. I even take a small dose of anti-biotics daily. When I do the pain is unbarable. Perhaps my lower back troule makes it worse I wonder.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I have the same problem, with uti infections. Sometimes I go to the toilet a lot, or sometimes I cannot wee at all. So I know how u feel.
    • Posted

      I still have a hard time with urinating. Even with a cathater it stings and burns.
  • Posted

    This sounds like so much to deal with..usual catching is 4 to 6 times daily..are you sating you do not have infections very often? When you do, being that this very much effects kidneys, explains your unbearable back pain. What medications or alternative treatments do you take to keep more on top of this? Is it recommended you drink generous amt of water daily?
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  • Posted

    Hi david I myself have sufferd with urine infections for years it as come to a point now that my body is amund to the majority of  anti-biotics  that i take to try and clear it. i last year did go into hospital for a operation on my urine pipe to widen it as it had narrowed after operation i was on catheter for 10 days and it nearly drove me mental as when on catheter for long term you are still in the same boat as they also cause urine infections and i have also been told that it is not very nice when they have to be flushed out. thank the lord i have finally got an appointment coming up next month to go and see a urolagy and i am going to see what the odds are of it going right having the BIG operation where they cut the urine pipe where it as narrowed and use tissue off your cheek to rebuild it as far as i know won,t know full info till spoken to urology . the frightening part is if they mess up you end up on a catheter which will cause infections as well so it is a catch 22 situation and you have to choose if to trust them or not as if it is not sorted it is doing the kidneys no good really hope things get better for you david and that goes for everyone else who is suffering with same problem i myself to this day am trying to sort same problem all we can do is look on the positive side and when being seen by urolagist and surgeons pray that we are in good hands as it is our body and we have to live with it . 
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      I don't know if it does the same thing with a girl but in '98 I had an operation to enlarge the ureatha opening inside?????? The only thing it did.....that I know of....is to make me have retrograde ejaculations..........bummer.
  • Posted

    So sorry to hear about your situation. Sounds like a living nightmare your going through. UTI'S are excruciating, maybe the catheter is giving you uti's?
    • Posted

      I tried to get  closed tye cathaters like before........much better for controlling UTI's......but guess what? Medicare would only pay for what is called speed catheters. It seems that medicare has to save for birth control, ha. 
  • Posted

    Yes, it surely does sound like a terrible nightmare going through this.. I am thinking possibly also that maybe it is the cathather (not sterilized), or maybe this needs to be done more often (suggested is 4 to 6 times daily ).. I can only imagine how troublesome this is..  Also, I have been aware that gluten/grain contributes greatly to infections in the body (yeast, also known as Candida), that trigger continuous bladder infections.  Also, problems with thyroid (caused by gluten/grains or candida) can greatly cause repeated bladder infections.  Have you had the 6 week allergy testing that is available, or had the thyroid test (4 different tests - not just 1) to test for contributing factors beyond your current condition?  Just a thought and hope that you can get this under better control with updated testing from a great doctor.
    • Posted

      It's all very troublesome. It all seems so unnatural; to use a catherter  three time per day. I  must admit that so far the recent removal of my lumbar synoval cyst have helped some and I do  not have to cather as much and I empty a little better.

      I see the back surgeon tom. for my first ck up and maybe he could shead some light on my problem.

      In the spot that still hurt bad.....a streaching feeling...I .once had a bladder stimulater, but had it removed about year and a half ago. Some of this pain could be scare tissue.

      Thanks for responding.

      I see my Endocrenologist next month and maybe she knows about this diet thing. I'll try anything.

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