Uugghh now it's my neck !
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Hello ladies, do any of you have any problems with your neck ? I have a deep ache and grindy crunchy feeling at the base of my neck top of spine sort of in the middle of shoulder blades ( on top of everything else that is ). Well I finally plucked up courage despite my chronic anxiety and went to the doctor today - waste of time just like I knew it would be, he just said ' wear and tear and maybe a bit of arthritis' ...... I could have told him that, so he booked me in for a blood test to check for it and recheck thyroid, also prescribed ibuprofen one or two three times a day. Has any of you found relief from ibuprofen ? if the blood test ( which im freaking out about ) does prove positive what can they do about it ? Thank you xx
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Sochima822 Fairy28
Fairy28 Sochima822
He said blood test for arthritis - also to check thyroid levels again, im already on 125mcg thyroxine lowered over the last year from 150. Strange how thyroid levels can change in menopause. To be honest I didn't know there was a blood test for arthritis like you said MRI would make more sense, I don't know.
Sochima822 Fairy28
Yes, for arthritis it's a sed-rate, or CRP which may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
Woo3353 Fairy28
It is wear and tear but you can feel it more as perimenopause can effect joints so any slight unnoticed pains aches or cracking is greatly emphasised. I have exactly the same especially when I move my head. Anxiety & stress can also cause muscle stiffness and fatigue due to cortisol levels with fluctuating hormone levels
If you don't want to take medication for your anxiety try Magnesium and zinc and plenty of calcium
Fairy28 Woo3353
yes you're right, I have been taking magnesium but I found it makes absoloutley no difference to me whatsoever along with other supplements - I did ask GP yesterday about all the supplements I take yesterday and he told me to stop wasting my money and improve my diet with more fruit and veg ! I get so confused as ive been into H and B and was advised to take B12, oestocare, e, c, evening primrose etc and now GP is saying NO! .......I suppose the thing is whT works for some people doesn't work for others, and if something makes us feel better than continue with it and if not then don't bother !
Woo3353 Fairy28
Some doctors believe in natural supplements & some don't. Most of our everyday medicines are derived or copied from natural sources so can't be all bad.
It's also best to take Zinc when taking Magnesium
But mostly keep moving
Sochima822 Fairy28
If something works for you why would you listen to your GP? Fruits and vegetables don't balance your hormone levels and definitely evening primrose and vitamin D3 are excellent for hormones, along with flax seed oil, and vitamin c and e are also good. You're GP sounds like a text book type of person compared to my doctor who says to try natural remedies to see if they work. Luckily, they worked on me and have no need for hrt.
Fairy28 Sochima822
Yes you are very lucky to have a GP who actually listens and tries to help you. Our practice is very small as we live in a small hamlet and there's only one man doctor and a lovely lady GP who is only there on a Wednesday morning - you can't book in advance to see her you have to ring on the day and when you eventually get through she's all booked up as all the ladies in the village understandably want to see her ! Ridiculous situation really that's why I don't like going.
Fairy28 Woo3353
yes anything that makes you feel better has to be good, it's finding it through experimenting with different things yourself - I think you're right about keeping moving though, trying to build muscle around affected joints if possible to take some pressure off , getting the motivation is the hard bit when you're in pain - I have to really push myself.
maisie05 Fairy28
Fairy28 maisie05
Now THAT is wanted to hear, thank you. Not some useless GP who hasn't a clue what I'm talking about ! I told him it's since I had the oophorectomy and previous hysterectomy that things have gone horribly wrong to which he responded ' well you're alive' ........yes I am and im grateful of course I am, massively grateful but I want to have a quality of life and not in pain all the time. I'm so glad you have found relief and I'll look into finding a Pilates class, thanks x
bobbysgirl Fairy28
Hi lou, yes it all sounds horribly familiar! With a few changes in my diet and some supplements (not a waste of money if you get the right ones) I think I have the worst of the Meno symptoms sorted.
BUT I have a number of old injuries and some work related wear and tear to joints that mean from my left elbow, up over the shoulder, across my neck, right shoulder and down to the right elbow, I click, creak and scrunch!
It is worse in the morning and gets a little better during the day. You HAVE to keep moving. I am waiting to see a surgeon about my right shoulder, but not holding my breath that he will do anything - or CAN do anything! I want an MRI so I can understand what is going on myself. I had one for my neck and the (lovely) consultant I saw for that showed me the images and explained that what I was looking at was three discs out of alignment. Surgery could make it worse, but at least now I understand the problem and try not to do anything that will make it worse.
Your doc is right about getting all the vits and mins from our food. Unfortunately, modern farming practices have robbed the soil of the nutrients we get from plants. Modern petrochemical fertilisers are lacking in 'trace' elements - magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium etc.
Having said that, try to get calcium from your diet (dairy, sardines) as the calcium tabs they give you are bad news. Vit D3 gets calcium into your body, but you need Vit K2 to get it into your bones and not your arteries.
Ibuprofen, long term is not good either. Topical creams are better than tablets. But I find a homemade mix of (good quality) ginger and frankincense oil in a sweet almond carrier is VERY warming and soothing. You just have to find some kind soul to do it!
Fairy28 bobbysgirl
Hi there and thanks for all the help, im sorry you're having problems with your shoulder, that's extremley agonising I know as my Hubbys had four yes four shoulder decompression surgerys with loads of physio - his shoulders are so much better now but at the time it was an absoloute nightmare for him. Yes the Vit K2 is very helpful info thanks, im sat here in bloody agony right now and the ibuprofen is making me nauseous and playing havoc with my bowels, I can't put up with this so will stop them - useless doctor has just made me feel worse, it's the ladies here with experience that actually KNOW what they're talking about, x
bobbysgirl Fairy28
When the pain gets really bad I find great relief in a migraine tablet ( I probably should'nt advertise
) so lets just say it has paracetamol, codine and something to calm your stomach. It 'releves migraine'! I started to use it when I was waking up in pain and had to have something to eat BEFORE I could take painkillers - not something you want to do at 3 in the morning. With these I can take them on an empty stomach and one is often all I need. They don't upset my stomach and they are very good for head AND neck ache.
stephanie1966 Fairy28
Hello to everyone, I'm 49 I will be 50 in September the best way I can describe what is happening to me is invasion of the body snatchers...someone ( I don't know who ) stole my fun loving active body and replaced it with God knows what!!! This roller coaster ride I have been on is to say the least just nightmarish and I love horror films...I feel tired achy, scared, hot, cold, happy, sad, hungry, dizzy, unblanced, honestly the list can go on and on. I have had so many anxiety attacks that my doctor just got tired of seeing me...im telling you ladies I find myself searching for the person who stole my body...I use to hear stories about this I saw my grandmother my mom and aunts go through this...all I want to know is where do I find comfort how do I find comfort...can anyone just please tell me if there finding comfort?
becky53379 stephanie1966
I feel the same way that you do. I am 48 and started this
roller coaster ride of anxiety in March. Its miserable! It
seems that when you get rid of one feeling something
else takes its place. I started taking vitamin B and Vitamin D3
They really help me with moods at times. I still get anxious
if I do to much during the day but I have been able to do
more than when this first started. I hope its over soon
because this is rough! Take care!