Vagifem!!! I think it's the devils creation!
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My doc has had me on Estrace, but gave me the ok to try the Vagifem because of the convenience and she said it's weaker than Estrace. I used it about 2 hours ago and I feel horrid! I'm hot from head to toe, my head feels like it's going to float off my shoulders, and the nausea is almost overwhelming. I had some issues with the Estrace in the beginning but nothing like I feel like now. Is this a normal reaction to Vagifem? My anxiety is through the roof! I don't know if I should call my doc or just ride it out..
I have other health issues besides meno.. high blood pressure, and A-fib due to two faulty heart valves.. I'm freaking out!
Any advise on if this is normal or not?
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Cillablack Gigi368
Hope that helps. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific.
Gigi368 Cillablack
Thank you for answering, I wish we had some magical "cure" for this. It's rotten! I know everyone reacts differently to medicine, pretty sure I just freaked myself out. But I'm calling my doc in a little while to see what she has to say about it.
melinda128 Gigi368
Gigi368 melinda128
Thanks for your feedback!
I've been on Estrace for a little over a month, I'm down to twice weekly. My doc gave me the ok to try the Vagifem for the convenience because the Estrace wasn't absorbing like it was supposed to and all day long it was discharging (I use it before bed time). I was having to wear a panty liner and I think that was increasing the irritation. I called the pharmacy and talked to them and he confirmed that it was weaker than the Estrace, but shouldn't have caused those issues, so I don't know if I just worked myself up into and anxiety attack or if it was just meno symptoms. I had a hysto 16 yrs ago, kept my ovaries, so it's hard to tell exactly where I am in this roller coaster. I had the hot flashes and night sweats over 5 yrs ago, but since being on the Estrace, they've returned. I took a nerve pill and laid under a fan and finally fell asleep. I feel fine this morning and it was really nice not having to clean up a mess when I made my first trip to the bathroom. I'm calling my doc this morning and discussing it with her. She had given me the green light to experiment with them to see which one worked best. So instead of the 1 gram of Estrace, I used the 10mcg of Vagifem. So depending on what she has to say, I have until Monday to see how this works and decide if I want to try again and see what happens.
gailannie melinda128
Melinda, do you mind sharing your experience with vaginal Estrace? I also had problems and would love to hear what other women have experienced. Did you also try vagifem? It's been something I was considering.
melinda128 gailannie
gailannie melinda128
So your estrace experience went ok then, except for the bleeding? (Hope I got that right)
And apparently you are on a low dose HRT? But it's not enough to get away from the UTI, or vaginal dryness.
Isn't this all so much fun? I'd love to catch a break.
melinda128 gailannie
I am so tried of utis and antibiotics.
I started drinking cranberry juice and eating tons of yogurt. I know things could get worse. Just waiting for that gyn appointment.
gailannie melinda128
I can't help but be curious, do you mind saying what HRT you are taking? Do you feel it's helped?
melinda128 gailannie
The HRT has helped me in other ways mentally, joints, nerves and alittle vaginal. Progesterone 200 mg. and Estradiol .05 mg patch twice week. I can't help but think if the dose needs to be increased to help stop the bleeding.
gailannie melinda128
Melinda, if your dose of HRT was working well with no bleeding before you started the vaginal Estrace, you might consider asking if you could 1) lower the dose to 100 mg progesterone to see if this helps with the vaginal dryness issue. or 2) Do the patch only for 1 week, then continue with the patch/200 mg progesterone the rest of the month and see if that helps. Or 3) Do the patch with 100 mg the first two weeks, 200mg the rest of the month.
It's about tailoring the HRT to your needs, and if vaginal dryness is an issue, it suggests a little too heavy on the progesterone for that amount of estrogen.
melinda128 gailannie
gailannie melinda128
Well obviously the amount of estrogen is stimulating your uterine lining, and the progesterone isn't suppressing the build up.
What is your doctor saying about all this?
melinda128 gailannie
gailannie melinda128
Well, let us know how it comes out. I had a uterine biopsy, it wasn't that bad, So hopefully this is go ok and you'll be done.
melinda128 gailannie
gailannie melinda128
Yes, it was done in the office. They told me to take an ibuprofen before I came in. I've actually had pap smears that hurt worse than that. It only took a few minutes, and I was on my way. They said to expect some bleeding/spotting later that day, I didn't even have that.
So don't worry too much about it.
melinda128 gailannie
I finally got the urine culture back this morning. Another bacteria-Klebsiella pneumoniae. The last culture in July was Enterococcus Faecalis. I don't think I am being put on the correct antibotics. It is scary, because I am picking these up somewhere from what I am reading. Thanks.
gailannie melinda128