Vaginal cramps!
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Hi, I have been having Vaginal cramps. It feels as if my period is about to come but no. I had it for a week now. It feels very much like I am going to labour. It is so painful. Luckly it is not constant. Has anyone else suffers from it? Anything I can do to stop it. It is Painful!
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chrisann144 ImagineOneDay
I have had menstrual cramps all my life unfortunately but since being in perimenopause the cramping is worse I get cramps besides when I have my period sometimes throughout the month I have skipped my period quite a few times and sometimes I would swear it’s coming and it didn’t because the cramps were so bad and then some months when I skip no pain at all! If you can take ibuprofen take that also the heating pad and hot tea I wish I could be of more help but I know exactly how you feel that is what has whole family knows when it’s that time just by the look on my face!!!!
ImagineOneDay chrisann144
Struggling50 ImagineOneDay
I take Ibuprofen or Tylenol for them. Some times I just ignore them the best I can. I distract myself by reading or working a crossword puzzle etc.
ImagineOneDay Struggling50
Struggling50 ImagineOneDay
I'm so sorry you are experiencing so much pain. Hot tea and Ibuprofen? Can you take herbs? Maybe an herbal supplement that is for Muscle cramps and relaxation?
ImagineOneDay Struggling50
Struggling50 ImagineOneDay
You're welcome:-)
Gigi368 ImagineOneDay
I'm trying to clarify.. is it actual vaginal cramps such as a heaviness like something is pushing its way out? Or abdominal cramping?
I get the vaginal heaviness, like its going to drop out. Mine was dx' d as bladder and rectal prolapse along with AV. Does it seem worse with a full bladder or if you have to poo? If so it's a possibility it's a prolapse. If it's just abdominal then I'm not sure about that since I haven't had a cycle in 16 years.
But you can try doing kegel exercises and pelvic floor exercises. I'm going to physical therapy for it and it's helping.
ImagineOneDay Gigi368
Hi Gigi, mine is certainly vaginal not abdominal. After getting feedback from ladies I under up checking Google to find out what it might be. (As always Google is full of stuff & worrying. ) These cramps are not effected by bladder or bowel issues. Cramps come randomly. They very much like heavy period or labour pain. I suspect this is to do with hormons. I also have a fibroid in my uterus. Perhaps it is the fibrid. I will check out prolapse now. Hope all goes well with you too
Gigi368 ImagineOneDay
Fibroids are the reason I had my hysto but I didn't have vaginal cramps, just bled to the point of hemorrhage. Since everyone is different is a definite possibility.
Hormones are the devil lol, they cause so many different issues, going to the gyno is most definitely the best option. I've heard women with the same symptoms say it was vulvodynia. Others vaginitis..
Mine is all meno and hormones. I use Estrace Cream now and the PT most of my symptoms have gone away.
I hope you can get answers, anything going on down there is just miserable.
Keep us updated and good luck!!!
ImagineOneDay Gigi368