Vaginal dryness
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Hi anyone else suffered from this as it made me miserable. Started when I was forty kept going to the doctors but they didnt know just kept given me lubricant to try but never was sore very dry itchy would be climbing the walls. Was unable to have intercourse for a long time until I had the coil fitted and it all changed no more pain has any one else been through this.
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gailannie susan43259
Very interesting Susan. I am curious to know if you were in menopause (1 year without periods) at age 40? Or were you having regular periods. Did your doctor ever use the words vaginal atrophy? The words you use, i.e. very dry, itchy, pain, and unable to have sex, is often used to describe women who have vaginal dryness and atrophy. Yet I'm sure your physician examined that area and would have called it by name. (?)
I found that vaginal progesterone certainly helped with my vaginal atrophy and dryness while in menopause.
It will be nteresting to see if other women have had this same effect.
susan43259 gailannie
Lotti1966 susan43259
Ok, I'm about to schedule an appt with my Dr because of painful intercourse. I'm one year into menopause. I'll let y'all know what I find out.
gailannie Lotti1966
Yes, please write back Lotti. Isn't it just wonderful!! Ya know all those commercials advertising viagra, with the slim, pretty woman in the bath tub on the beach? What they don't mention is "come near me with that thing, and I'll be crying out in pain!" LOL. I had no idea this was going to happen. In fact I remember the first time I felt it and thought, "WHAT the hell is this?? This has always felt wonderful!! What in the world is going on?"
Oh yes, life without our hormones. What a horrid place to be.
Lotti1966 gailannie
Lol! Perfect😂😂😂
Yellow88 susan43259
Does anyone know if this eases once we are through menopause? I realise nothing will be like before but will it settle?
Yellow88 susan43259
Anyone else had this side effect?
maria76995 susan43259
Hi Susan, I do have the vaginal dryness myself and I'm trying the Olitium oil in the bath to help sooth it along with fry itchy skin I also have..for intercourse SYLK is good product to buy I use this for intimate part.
Yellow88 susan43259
Hi Susan, Google the word 'Yes' three times in a row (I'm being careful as not sure if product names are ok). They do a water based lubricant which is excellent for intimacy and also a vaginal moisturising gel which I have just started and it is very good. There is also lots of info on the website. This is an awful problem, I empathise.
susan43259 Yellow88