Vaginal infection or STD?

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I'm concerned with whether I should visit my gyno or not. My primary symptoms have been a foul smelling discharge that's thin and white/light beige in color as well as prolonged abdominal pain that feels like pressure on my cervix/uterus area. Period is due in a few days but the pressure/pain is constant. Also have had very light spotting.


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, sounds like you may have BV. yeast infections normally dont produce a foul odor discharge. Did your symptoms occur after sex or just suddenly appear ?

    • Posted

      It suddenly appeared after my most recent period. Last time I had sex was in late May but there was protection used.

    • Posted

      So you have had the symptoms for several weeks now. Has the discharge stayed the same as far as smell and color ?Have you developed any bumps in your labias ? are you taking any medication ?

    • Posted

      Discharge is now significantly less bad smelling and is back to a healthy white. There were bumps a week ago, but they disappeared when the itching stopped a week ago as well. No medications, mainly because I've heard antibiotics can potentially worsen BV.

    • Posted

      sounds like your getting better and your flora is getting back to a normal balance of good bacteria. Is the smell of like when your spotting or coming off your period ? The bumps were on your inner labia and entrance to your vagina right ? If they were thats normal for YI or BV. Once you start getting better they go away. Yes Antibiotics will give you a YI, good doctors prescribe you something to prevent/treat it when they give you medication. How does it look now , more normal ?

    • Posted

      Looks definitely more normal, but still has a little discharge/mucus coating the walls from what I can see. Yes to the bump placements and yes to the subtle metallic scent- doesn't itch anymore so thankfully signs pointing towards BV. Thank you so much!! You're a lifesaver- if things progress I'll just schedule a gyno appt.

    • Posted

      your very welcome, you can eat probiotics as they help regulate your flora. You can find some on amazon specific for women. keep hydrated and hopefully in several days clear up. Its never a bad idea to see the Gyno for check up

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