Vaginal irritation-peri menopause
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I am new to this so bear with me. Started using vagifem about a month ago to relieve vaginal discomfort thought to be caused by dryness, was experiencing pain And itch and horrible sensation like skin being pulled by the short and curlies. Thought the dryness was improving a little at first with meds but the itching is getting worse and the pulling sensation is awful.
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carolrd anna72021
thats what I an experiencing and i'm menopause never had this before like this. Like stingy pains not alot of itch, but discomfort. Is your pain with in the vaginal area? I'm not sexual active so I'm nit saying after sex. Can you explain the skin been pulled are you saying out side or inside of vaginal area?
anna72021 carolrd
Yes sometimes all feels normal but that's rare now, the rest of he time it ranges from discomfort to actual pain, external pain perineum. Do a bit of cycling and had been blaming that but that's not it. Beginning to wonder if it might be a prolapse causing dragging feeling, although other people on the forum describe this more as feeling a lump. GP did not say what could be causing the pulling sensation and did not do a pelvic exam. Just gave me vagifem for dryness. But now have itch as well as pain.
carolrd anna72021
anna72021 carolrd
Get pulling sensation mainly, from vagina back. It's only on one side at the moment but yes sometimes whole area aches.
carolrd anna72021
I'm getting scared about these on and off pains in the vagina (i'm not sexually active) Today was one real hard one and the rest is like stinging pains/pains and some are like ache to one side. ANYONE else get these? I am menaopause plus I feel sad , low and verge of tears or actual crying breat feels full and slightly nauseated.
deidra40034 anna72021
Hi Anna,
It sounds like maybe you should see a regular OB/GYN, so they can actually do a vaginal exam. GP's don't seem to do many of those, and half the time, I don't think they know what the heck they are doing! That's been my experience anyway. I say that because, I had a complete hyst when I was 33, I am now 61. I stopped going to a GYN about 12 years ago, figured I didn't need one, was on HRT, and didn't have anything left. Just saw my GP, and she never checked anything. I am one of those that get a yeast infection when given a antibiotic, so had to see her for that, and that's when I decided, she didn't know what the heck she was doing. LOL So, NOW I do see one once a year, and for my HRT, hormone replacement pills after my GP decided I should stop my hormone pills...I tried was hell, and am back on them now, and there I will stay. LOL Are you in peri/meno yet? Maybe that could be the cause?
maria45873 anna72021
Hi Anna I had itchy at times and pain down there too
All normal... I don't use soap I buy Sanex for sensitive skin. I do have eczema so that and hormones do fight with my face making extra dry,
I heard it can cause Trush too
Hope it don't happen to me hugs xxx