Vegan with a soy intolerance..
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I've been vegan for a little over a year now. It was for ethical reasons and I just couldn't go back to an omnivore diet. I dealt with some uncomfortable bloating and gas when I first went plant based, but it went away with time. Once that was over I basically ate anything that was vegan. Still dealing with occasional stomach problems. I was hoping cutting out dairy 100% would solve all that, since I'm lactose intolerant. Sadly after eating a whole bag of edamame, I experienced some of the worse cramps I've ever had. I cut out all soy after that. No cramps. Added a little bit of soy sauce back in my diet when I was indulging on take out. It made me tired but I can deal with that every once in awhile. Things like tofu always gives me cramps and the meat substitutes (that are mostly soy based) will do the same if I eat more than just a little. I never thought soy bothered me before I went vegan! I might just be more in tune with my body now. Sadly since cutting out most soy, I've started to lose hair, I'm losing muscle mass and gaining weight easier. I know this was a long one but I would love some help. I think I'm seriously lacking in protein and I'm not sure if there's a way to test for that?? Or if I should just start downing the protein shakes till I'm at 80g everyday. Please let me know your input or experiences! It would mean a lot to this new patient member!! -Tess xx
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sanya11314 Tess27
You are vegan, not vegetarian, right?
(because of 'cutting out milk' trial, it's automatically removed if vegan, no milk products, no eggs, no honey)
How are you going with legumens, dark greens and nuts? (some get bloated from those, but are great sources of protein)
There are fully vegan based protein shakes, I can't stand their tastes unfortunately, but I did trial them as my blood result was a bit low on protein (not under though) and urea low.
It's a big trial and error what you individually can stomach.
Sometimes in combination with probiotics can help.
If you are not celiac, you should be fine with gluten, as this is often a source of protein, too (saitan), the problem is often more for non-celiac with weath, the way it is processed in order to not go rancid quickly, hence often an own little mill can circumnavigate that issue.
Do you have the same problems with Tempeh?
I am sure your edamame was cooked well (20min) and pod not eaten.
Maybe you do better with cooked food than raw?
It's your own body, processing food and also your intestinal flora to adjust.
e.g. resistant starch is a good feeder for eubacterium, but if one starts out with it with a 'bang', you get belly pain to dobble over.
all in balance and slowly to be changed.
Thumbs up for your vegan approach to life!
I cringe when I see 'cheap' recipies with 'cheap' ham unknown origine supporting mass farming and torture.
sam18386 Tess27
See your doctor and ask for an URGENT dietitian's appointment - you need help now.
lilian05079 Tess27
As you are on a vegan diet you may be B12 deficient which can cause adverse effects....are you taking a B12 complex supplement. B12 is very important for your well being. One major symptom of B12 deficiency is fatigue and wishes with your vegan diet....