Venalfaxine withdrawal

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I have been tapering down from 275mg for about three months now and bee hanging on to taking 37mg per day for the last six weeks. Yesterday I decided to not take anymore and was ok but today is hell on earth so I gave in and took one about two hrs ago but still feel just as bad I suppose because its been out of my system for a while a d will take to kick back in. I am now going to try one day on and one day off and see how that goes. Right now I would rather be dead than feel like this it's taken me ages the type this post as I feel so slowed down and exhausted, got brain zaps and feel so depressed and hopeless to the point were I just can't cope 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi michael, dont give up im 2wks off of the demon venlafaxine, was taking 75mg 7mths ago then stopped, the next day was good and thought hey, im not suffering any symtoms but the day after that was absolutey dreadfull, felt sick, sweats confusion,everything seeming like slow motion, it was the awfull brain zaps that I couldnt handle, was at the point of thinking that I should take a tab and then cut down gradually, but im so stubborn, anyway, someone on here said to me that 9th day off of them they felt much better, didnt think I would be that lucky but hey hoy they were spot on, so just keep strong and you will get through it my friend!!
    • Posted

      Thanks for your message that has given me some hope and that's what I needed. It's hard for me as this forum is all I have as am living alone since my girlfriend ditched me. It's such a shame as she is all I had and was the love of my life but I think that she just took it personally when I have been to ill to even talk to her and not want to go anywhere or do anything. I don't blame her as if you don't suffer like we do people just don't understand and it's such a shame that it effects our lives so much that people just give up on us because they don't understand and can't do anything to help 
    • Posted

      You are absolutely right about people, especially good friends, giving up on us as they just don't understand the illness this drug causes. I am in the same boat as you. Alone and feeling unsupported. Even going to the shops is scary and i just have to take a deep breath and do it.  You feel as though the symptoms are never going to go away. My girlfriend said when she left that she didn't want me because I was trying to hide from the world.  That's not the real me. It's the drug. No doubt you feel exactly the same.But it is bound to get better as our brains are telling us as much with the symptoms.

      Anyway, how are you doing today?

    • Posted

      Hi michael, so sorry to hear that your girlfriend left you just when you neaded her most, yes it sure takes its toll on your partners,you have to be made of strong stuff to be able to deal and understand about mental health, my hubby has been a rock for me and couldnt have got through it without him, ive had a lot of health probs to go through and you will make it to a much better life and find someone who will take on board everything and understand you for who you are, I wish you all the luck..
  • Posted

    Dropping the whole lot was brave, but having said that, i did the same as 37.5mg isn't theraputic at all and i guess it becomes a crutch. 

    You will feel like hell. the half life is short for ven and it washes out quickly, hence your feelings.

    Try the bendryl (acrivastine) trick or sudofed as they have chemicals in which are chemically similar to those in ven and it tricks your brain! 

    Try stugeron a sea sickness tab to help too but they make you drowsey. 

    Ask your doc for diazepam for the panic. a small dose makes life bearable!

    Be kind to yourself. its like coming off heroin! your not gonna feel cock-a- hoop n be patient with yourself too..........

    If its too bad your psych may know about using prozac short term to help. 

    Best of luck. the fact your drug is legal doesn't mean your 'withdrawl' will be any easier! 

  • Posted

    Don't worry just stick at it, I went cold turkey 13 days ago, after around the 6th/7th day started feeling normal, after around day 10 the fogginess had wore off, and in the last three days I've been the most productive I've ever been in my entire life! Seriously, I know what you're going through and just don't give up, go to hospital if needs be or you get too psychotic (happened to me), but it's all worth it in the end.

    I'm now moving to Budapest, have three online freelance jobs and two new hobbies.. this is within three days of Venlafaxine wearing off!!

    You will feel like a fu***ng martyr once you've quit!

  • Posted

    Hi Michael, I am probably on the same boat as you, third day on no venlafaxine and going trough hell. can't remember feeling any worse my whole life. I have two kids to care about and it's so desperate to try to survive every single hour. I  had very severe dizziness and nausea and tried Benadryl (OTC) and dizziness improved so much that I can even walk and drive the car for short distance. I am going to GP today to get myself signed off for 10 days with a big hope that after this period I will feel better. I also observed that with benadryl I was able to sleep without horendous nightmares and sweats that wasn't the case in the past weeks. but still feeling very unstable, crying every so often ... don't give up we need to go through it and once it will be over we can start living again.


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