venlaxafine increase

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my doctor has just increased my venlaxifine from 150 mg to 225mg , i have been on 150mg for two weeks now ,still feel depressed and anxiety is quite high, is anyone else on 225mg and did you find any relief , dont want to keep going up and not find it has any improvement , as it will be harder to come down , he said it is to level out the spikes but i feel as if it isnt doing anything, i was on venlaxafine 75mg for about 8 years but i felt it help but didnt do anything for the anxiety


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi terry I've been on venlafaxine 150 mg for 4 years. Xmas took a setback went up to 300 mg...dint find difference so now comeing off it and just started mirtazapine 15 mg. everybody defo reacts different.
  • Posted

    I've been on 225mg venlafaxine for more than 6 years. Very successful for a while, then had to add in mirtazapine too, since then stable and well. Now reducing the mirtazapine because been fine for a year.
    • Posted

      hi pixie22 did you find the mirtazapine knocked you out , i found that i couldnt wake up properly in the mornings and it made it hard for me at work , also made me legs tremble , only on it 3 months 15mg 

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