Vertigo during menstruation?
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Hey all, during the night I developed vertigo. I could not lay on my back or right side without the room spinning. My period started yesterday and I had to get up like 5 times during the night because of having to urinate and change pads due to heavy bleeding. Never had this happen before and it was a little scary. Am exhausted today and had to call out of work because I feared getting dizzy there. Just curious if this is just another nasty symptom amongst all the other nasty symptoms. I can't wait for this to end, so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I'm taking 2500 mg of B12, 100 mg of B6, 500 mg of evening primrose plus multi vitamin. Any other suggestions? I still get my period although I will skip a month now and than. My doc says I'm in peri, I will be 52 next month so it would make sense that I am. Help!
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Tracky nancy0925
nancy0925 Tracky
Tracky nancy0925
HotDot7 Tracky
Sandy07 nancy0925
Tracky Sandy07
nancy0925 Sandy07
Sandy07 nancy0925
y related to your hormones though. Glad it's gone xx
jo30833 Sandy07
Hi Sandy,
Pleased yr. better now. I suffer with bppv. Have done for 13 years 😩
I have long episodes with out it, then I get it again and get it all the time again. I have it again at the moment. What exercises did u do to help?
Thanks Jo
Bouncyville nancy0925