Vertigo in bed.

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This is my second time vertigo-first one 5 years ago, at start of peri. Hits when changing positions in bed. Almost impossible to sleep. Have you ladies have that?

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16 Replies

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    sounds very much bppv. if you cannot get to a physical therapist right away, try reading up about the foster maneuver. there is a video showing how to do it. a P.T. will probably do the Epley maneuver on you. I got rid of it myself by doing the maneuver a few times. read up about it.

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    yes, i had that this spring for about 2 weeks. then it went away again. it also happened during the day if i made a sudden head movement.

    i had just been to the chiro so thought it had to do with that.

    wish you all the best.

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    if you do the maneuver it should go away almost immediately. It can also happen out of bed...

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    It's happened to me a few times and always in bed, really frightening, the last time it happened I decided to slowly get up and walk, it worked, movement rather than keeping perfectly still was better for me. I also have slight balance problems which I put down to my ears, at the moment my ear feels clogged when I lay on it, the last time it happened I used prescribed ear spray and it cleared it and also stopped the balance problem, but back again. Not sure if mine is menopausal as my first experience of it was when pregnant at age 31, having said that it could have been pregnancy hormones, menopause/hormones all the samd thing in the end haha 😃

  • Posted

    I just went through this. Felt like my eyeballs were spinning around.spent the first night sleeping upright on the couch. Gradually over a week it got better. This is a very uncomfortable feeling. Makes you a little queasy. I am 51 and this has happened a couple of times.

  • Posted

    Hello! A few months ago, I woke up, turned over in bed, and sat up. The whole room was spinning. It was not just an off balance feeling, it was literally spinning. It scared the crap out of me. It was suggested to me that the cause was BPPV. I tried all the exercises and they didn't work. I have been off balance since and have periods of dizziness. It has been since April. You are not alone. xo

    • Posted

      Sometimes it is not BPPV. There are all sorts of causes, like Labyrithitis, Menieres, silent migraines, etc. When nothing helps, a specialized physical therapy clinic for dizziness does various tests and then if needed, which usually is, specialized prolonged treatments with helping the brain compensate for ear issues. I had both BPPV and over one and a half years of unrelated strange dizziness...Much better now but not 100%.

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      Why type of treatment did you receive? I'm just so sick of going to doctors and having them look at me like I am crazy or telling me just to deal with it.

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      you need to find a very good physical therapy center specially for dizziness. After many tests, they do all sorts of exercises with you to get the brain to compensate. For example, standing on a firm foam piece shaped like a tube that was cut lenghtwise in half, so that the bottom part, on the floor is flat, but the upper surface is rounded. You stand heel to toe both feet, and then do various things like pick a point to stare at and then turn head left, stare back at point, turn head right, stare back at point, until you can do many, like 20-30 of these. Then you put one thumb up in frontthe of you and one in back (to the side a bit) and you look from thumb to thumb again, numerous time. It makes you dizzy but slowly your brain adjusts, balance gets good etc. All sorts of things like that. Every day you practice for longer and longer.

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    Epley Maneuver fixed it for me. A physiotherapist who specializes in balance issues can fix it for you

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    HI I've had vertigo on and off for 29 years It was one if the first signs of Multiple Sclerosis. It got worse during perimenopause which my neurologist says is common. Good luck to you

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      I also was diagnosed with ms, and have had vertigo a few times. Can i ask if your other symptoms have intensified with perimenopause. I had asked my neurologist, and she said she didnt know. Thank you

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      HI Michelle You mean my other MS symptoms ? Well fatigue, brain fog , dizziness and vertigo did Now I'm 2 years into menopause and those are better. But other things are worse. Like walking.

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      I am so extremely sorry for you. MS must be very painful and difficult. I never had vertigo before the peri-it started with peri-allergies, or peri-allergies caused by moving to tropic-like Florida.. I started with severe vertigo one day, I somehow got rid of it with either Epley manouver or air blowing into ears at doctors office, or orthagonal chiropractic manouver__I really do not know, I did them all in a period of a few days, and it suudenly helped. But I was left with dizziness when allergies were high-especially when high humidity was present. Since then I moved back North-and the dizziness usually goes away in winter and comes back in late April. I learned to de-phlegm my ears and sinuses with various techniques, if I don't do that I get very dizzy and I get MS type muscle problems. This year vertigo came back for some reason. I am trying to figure out how to get rid of it.

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      Thanks ANNETTA 85 I appreciate that and I'm sorry for you too. MY allergies have gotten worse also and sinus pain too. Yes the allergies do seem to improve in the winter Bless you and take care of yourself

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      What I noticed as well is that with every bout of vertigo I get high pulse. It makes me sleepless. Do you get that too?

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