Vertigo....MRI tomorrow and panicking
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Hi! So, i have had vertigo for years now and a long time ago I had an episode of BPPV which is where the crystals in your ear get dislodged and cause vertigo but now this is something else I have been dealing with for a long time. Some of the symptoms i have are vertigo when i do certain things (cant even stand on a trampoline, if i turn around once i feel like i will fall and sometimes just when sitting/standing) I also have ringing in ears at times, twitches, tingling on head, fatigue, trouble focusing and remembering. So my doctor is having me get an MRI tomorrow because he said something is goimg on in inner ear and could be mini strokes!!!!! Then I googled and BAD idea - MS, ALS, tumors, etc. So now i can't stop having extreme anxiety over ehat might be on the MRI. I am sitting here nauseous and anxious. i hate this! If you got this far....thanks fir reading
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jan34534 jillywilly
I am so sorry this is scaring you. I wanted you to know that I have had all of your symptoms including ringing in the ears, twitches, tingling everywhere, fatigue, dizziness, occasional vertigo, and weakness, trouble focusing, brain fog etc. I also had a test for my inner ear but everything came out normal. I really doubt that you are having mini strokes.
doctors don’t know that much about anxiety and it’s symptoms. so they have to test for everything.anxiety symptoms can mimic symptoms of other conditions. The symptoms you were having can definitely be related to anxiety and stress.
i would not be at all surprised if your MRI was perfectly normal. your symptoms are actually very common with anxiety.
Also, stay off of Google looking up your symptoms. It’s just going to make you miserable for no reason. You can take just about any symptoms and it can go along with hundreds of different non-serious conditions.
So for the rest of today do things to relax your mind, stay busy so you don’t overthink.
Remember, most of our thoughts are not based on fact or evidence. They are just based on emotion which is not at all reliable!
take A nice warm bath to relax, listen to soothing meditations for relaxation or sleep, think happy thoughts, etc.
feel better soon! Take care ❤
jillywilly jan34534
Thank you so much for your kind response. It is crazy what anxiety can do. I am going to take your advise and get up and clean and organize the house 😃 Laying here worrying and googling isn't going to help. I don't know why I google, been doing it for years and know it never turns out well! Well, hoping for a clear MRI tomorrow! The waiting game is horrible too....again, thank you for the response. Sometimes all it takes is someone to talk to in order to relax a little. ❤