Vertigo/Spinning Episode - First Ever - Perimenopause Anyone have suggestions?

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I have been in perimenopause for years and have all the symptoms (irregular heartbeat, vaginal burning before period and during ovulation, higher heart rate a few days before period, anxiety, migraines, hot flashes) etc. This last PMS I did not have my usual migraine, but the first day of my period I was feeling really off (tons of palpitations, and tired). I was sitting at my desk when the room started to spin so I quickly dropped to the rug so I didn't fall. It probably lasted a minute if that....

It is now the next day and I feel light-headed and a little dizzy. I know I need to increase my water for drinking everyday. My husband took my blood pressure as soon as he came in to the room and it was normal. My pulse was normal as well.

I guess this is a new symptom?

Does anyone else get dizzy or room spinning vertigo episodes on the first day of their period?

My periods have gotten very short (about two days in length) so I know I am slowly getting close to menopause. In addition, I have been dealing with these peri symptoms for about five years. (I am 48).

I ordered dramamine and read benedryl can help as well with dizziness.

Any other thoughts or tricks to feel better?

I just feel so alone with these symptoms as none of my girlfriends say they are having any.


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17 Replies

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    I have this most of the time. I had it even before perimenopause took over, but it has gotten worse. It is especially bad before and during my period. Yes to drinking lots of water, but I also find that I need to take even a few minutes to lie down and recharge. It doesn't necessarily take it away, but it helps with calming me down a bit and also resting my eyes helps with the feeling of being overwhelmed. I sleep up when this happens. It helps with the balance in the ears. I also make sure that I am always near something that I can hold on to or lean on if needed. I have had it where it makes me take to the bed for a few days until it somewhat calms down. I feel like I am on a boat most of the time and I get the head pressure and fullness of the ears. Please know you are not alone. So many things happen during this stage and this is just another reminder. I am sending you a big hug! p.s. It is also bad when my allergies are acting up..

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      Thank you for your tips. i will try sleeping up on my pillow too. Have you ever taken anything for it such a dramamine?

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      I am really sensitive to certain medicines, so I actually did the pressure bands for the wrists. It does work, but probably not as much as a medicine.

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      That is a great idea. I forgot about them but I wore them all the time when pregnant as I suffered then as well. Thanks!

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    going on 5 years of this off balance dizziness never leaves intensity is up and down when it first hit me it was vertigo everything was spinning lasted awhile havent been the same since seems its gotten better in ways and other ways it hasn't i take one day at a time but cycle and ovulation weeks it's bad

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      thank you for responding about it happening near your period and ovulation. do you take anything or do anything when it hits? im scared it could happen when driving although with the virus im not going anywhere.

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    Just because your girlfriends aren't saying they're having crazy symptoms doesn't mean they aren't.... I think we don't want people to think we're crazy so we suffer in silence....and talk to each other here.🤗

    I get those dizzy spells from time to time ...among other symptoms. Its a different one every day. It always happens right before cycle starts. Got so that I was afraid to go anywhere for about 2 months. My friends and I call them head rushes. And Benedryl does help.

    Don't forget to mention to your doctor. I'm sure you'll be on to your next symptom soon! I'm sure you'll be fine.

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      Thank you Katy! I appreciate your thoughts and the Benedryl advice.


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    I agree with KatyD211, most women don't share what they are or have been going through with peri, it seems to be a big secret! I have no idea why. I have had the spinning room symptom on/off for several years (I am 46) and it is really disconcerting when it happens. It made me feel better to see that someone else has the burning vagina related to their cycle, it is pretty terrible also. You feel like you are getting an infection or something and then it goes away. Yuck. Heart palpitations right here also, for the last 5 or so years. I haven't tried Benadryl or Dramamine because when I have taken them in the past, they made me constipated. And I don't need to mess with my GI tract any more than peri has already done. Hugs to each of you, this is one of the hardest hurdles I have ever been up against.

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      We can have a "burning vagina club" together. 😃. My spinning and vertigo episode turned into ear pain which I am on antibiotics, Motrin, heat, flonase and zyrtec now for it. Not sure if allergies or hormones but I guess if I get it again next month I will know. Every month there seems to be a new perimenopause symptom. I don't even blink with palpitations anymore and when I started five years ago I was at the ER when they happened. It is amazing how you just learn to live with stuff. Hugs back at you!

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      It is amazing what we live/deal with. I swear if men had to do all this, they would have a cure for perimenopause in no time! If you look around on this site, you will see TONS of complaints of ear/jaw pain. I have it as well, even wear a mouth guard at night for teeth grinding but still regularly have ear/jaw/side of my neck pain. For the longest time, I wondered if it was a tooth issue or an ear infection but no, it has been persistent. Take care and thank you for the funny "burning vagina club" response, you made my day!

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      you are welcome. this site keeps me sane as it calms me when i can vent and find others going through the same thing. 😃

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    Hi Jen, I've had the vertigo like symptoms for the last year and a half. I never had it before peri hit. Your not crazy. It's hormonal and I think my inner ear was hit hard by the hormone shifts during peri. My primary put me on an antibiotic and steroid and I felt better but, still had some dizziness so, I just had the cheek swab test done after trying 3 meds to finally find one that will work well with my genes. On it now for 2 weeks and it is starting to stop the dizziness. I truly believe it's all hormonal. I hope you find some relief soon. For me nothing else has helped me but, meds and I tried to get through it without them but, couldn't. I ordered some over the counter meclizine too. It's supposed to help dizziness and has good reviews online. Take Care...hang in there!!!

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    Thank you for your reply. My dizziness turned into bad left ear pain. 😦. I did a telehealth appt due to covid and the lockdown. Was prescribed doxycycline. Between heat on ear, Motrin, antibiotics, Zyrtec, Flonase and sleeping in a recliner the ear pressure has gone down after four days. I NEVER had allergies before and between perimenopause and the house we moved to being near a forest reserve I believe I now suffer from them. So between the hormones and allergies I really did a number on myself.

    I hope you are doing better and can't wait to not feel unbalanced a slightly dizzy . Hoping in a week.

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    I had my first migraine aura at 43 and my first vertigo experience at 44. I woke up, turned to sit up in bed, and the entire room was spinning. I panicked because that's my usual go-to. I was dizzy for months. Others suggested it could be BPPV. I looked up videos online because there are exercises to help. Beware that the exercises themselves do cause the vertigo feeling, but it resets your ear crystals. I never even heard of ear crystals before that day. xo

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      wow. how were you able to get the vertigo to subside? was it the exercises to reset the crystals? I am so sorry that happened. Vertigo is completely awful and i cant imagine dealing with it long term. Did they ever say why it just happened?

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      Honestly, I thought I was losing my mind. All my symptoms hit me like a brick wall 2 years ago. So many strange and unusual feelings and sensations. Add in terrible anxiety and I was a mess (still am). I was gardening the day before and turned in bed the next morning.

      Apparently, room spinning is a vertigo symptom and is not usually present in dizziness (like light-headed). If the room spins, think vertigo. The exercises can be done at the doctor's office, but can also be done with no training at all. They are very simple. It took me awhile to figure out which ear was affected and to get the exercise just right. The relief was almost instant. Ladies on here and on another forum are the ones who told me about BPPV and the exercises. It's harmless to try the exercises. You basically just lay on your back and turn. As a disclaimer, my advice is my own and you should check with your doctor.

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