Very bad stomach
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Hi All
Have posted about various symptoms - am in such a lot of pain tonight despite yoga etc I guess I am posting to help calm me. I always resort to cancer when I feel like this. I have had tests all clear and am seeing a colon docc next week but ahhhh panics! Have been told to take buscopan not pain killers by GP but I think they make the panics worse! I have lost weight but feel like my whole body has changed so dramatically in the last 6-8 weeks. Am due a period at the end of this week so realise my hormones are probably high
Just wanted to post in case any of you have bad stomach/bowels too
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margaret04348 joyyoga
ruth24048 joyyoga
margaret04348 ruth24048
lulu99310 joyyoga
I am thinking it is an infection which comes and goes so it is more annoying than anything. I was looking for a board which will enable me to chat with other females who are my age 56 + and who have concerns about menopause issues.
Here's to sleep!
sharcerv52408 joyyoga
joyyoga sharcerv52408
Yes this is the most worrying part for me, I've seen weightloss in cancer so automatically associate that with this!
I'm trying to eat and excercise in moderation to get some weight back on! And try and relax huh!
sharcerv52408 joyyoga
lenie95046 joyyoga
hevb joyyoga
Have you tried changing your diet?
I also suffer with horrible stomach problems. I find that gluten and wheat can make it worse. I was tested for coeliac but that came back negative but I definitely know that food can make my symptoms worse. Certain times of the month are worse than others so I feel that my hormones are to blame. I find cutting out gluten and wheat when I'm at my worst can help.. Might not work for you but maybe worth a try.. x
I am keeping a food diary and diary of emotional
My thing is that all test including hormone are negative so is this peri? My friend said hers didn't show but was?
I have cut out wheat and gluten in case
I get bloating and I can get really bad pains all over my abdomen some sharp some like a period
Maybe this is a long trial and error road
Certainly very humbling!