Very brief dizziness

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Hi all- Just this week I have started having very tiny brief episodes of is truly only like for 3-5 seconds at a time, maybe 6 times a day..not during anything strenuous..just making lunch, household stuff or just reading..not particularly worried but wondered if anyone else had these brief episodes and if you did any the or saw the other pain or symptoms at al..thanks all, have a great day! 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Amy, as you describe your problem, I see that I have it too. 

    Before peri I had those short dizziness spells during PMS, usually a day two before my period. In peri they disappeared, and they came back roughly one year ago. They appear almost every day, no relation to my activities. I think it is hormonal. I still have periods, today I have brown spotting the fourteenth day, and I feel tired, with painful breasts, and those micro dizzy spells. I try meditation and keep myself busy, but peri is so awful. 

  • Posted

    Hi amy

    Yes I get this... Do you get junk at the back of your throat just as a matter of interest as during peri? I started to have issues with my sinus which causes dizziness and I know it's flaired up as I have junk for no reason at the back of my throat.. ... But outside of this, yes I get the same.. Comes and goes and it frightened me at first but now I just let it pass.. CK

    • Posted

      Oh yes I do! I never thought to connect the 2, nasty throat and minor dizziness but it makes sense that it is connected..literally.. and yep peri is the worst. I had only heard that you get hot flashes and some crankiness but all these other random symptoms are ridiculous! Thank you for your reassurance..that is so important bc my family certainly doesn’t want to hear it! And I either think I’m dying or crazy..well not yet anyway!! Some days are just ugh..with body aches and pains, stomach/bathroom issues, skin itchiness, occasional hot name it , it comes and goes! Take care and have a good day! Thanks again.😊

    • Posted

      Amy... I've had all the same symptoms... You are not alone... I take magnesium, vitamins bdc and tuneric for joint pain. Really made sure a great difference especially to my mood.. Keep checking in here for support.. CK

  • Posted

    Yes, it is typical now with the pollen season-you have allegies. We all have them now in peri. I never had them before. They cause dizziness, vertigo, stomach ain, gas etc.
    • Posted

      Oh it’s no joke..I got allergy testing done last year and I’m allergic to cats, dogs, dust mites, Maple, and fir tree pollen and of course I have cats and a that explains a lot..I just hate these symptoms that come up seemingly out of the blue..I so appreciate you putting my mind at ease! 😊

  • Posted

    Hi Amy,

    I have had the light-headedness that you speak of, as well as dizziness.  I thought I had an ear infection, but went to the dr. and that was not it.  I was told that it is likely due to hormone fluctuations, particularly estrogen.

    I took one of those seasick medication for it for about a week, but have decided to just deal with it, because it made me tired.  From your description, yours sounds as though it could be hormonally related as well.

    • Posted

      How interesting...not in a good way, lol..that all these odd random symptoms we notice are hormonal...haven’t we suffered enough as women?? 😒 it just keeps going...thank you so much for your reassurance, I really appreciate it. 😊

  • Posted

    Yes!!! I have all the symptoms you've described plus some!! I noticed a correlation between the mini bouts of dizziness with also my allergies sinuses acting up. I am also sick to my stomach the past two days and very fatigued! Oh and add emotional to all that too. I hate feeling like this. I am only 41 so I'm afraid this is just the beginning.

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