Very confused please help me!
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I've been ill for three months, I've had to give up my job, drs are struggling to diagnose me.
I'm very confused as my symptoms are cyclical and some seem like peri but others just don't add up.
At or near the start of my period I get very ill, very weak, shaky and nauseous feeling. But I also have this thing going on with my neck - the first month it happened I couldn't sit down without feeling a strange neck pain, dizziness, tingling in my shoulder and back.
I also notice that on bad days, moving my arms triggers nauseous yuk feelings.
Then each cycle I start to recover and feel less shaky and nauseous and the neck and back thing feels more of a conventional neck issue - my physiotherapist said it was minor trapped nerves.
But where I'm confused is why this all gets so much worse at the start of my cycle. And if it is just trapped nerves why do I get lots of other symptoms too - weak, shaky, loss of appetite, need loo all the time, buzzing and twitching, heavy legs, high anxiety bursts / adrenaline rushes, feel hot in the night, broken sleep.
I'm going round in circles, I decide it's peri then think that the way I feel ill when I move my arms can't possibly be peri, its too obscure.
Then I decide it's all caused by the trapped nerves but that leaves all of the other symptoms unexplained and doesn't explain the cycle of worse then recovering that follows my menstrual cycle.
Anyone got any idea what's going on with me?
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klm1213 GreyCat
I felt exactly the same way and had all of those symptoms when I 1st started perimenopause. It lasted for about 4 or 5 months and then slowly started going away..... I wish I could tell you a magic thing to take it away but I just let it run its course.
serena11274 GreyCat
weak, shaky, loss of appetite, need loo all the time, buzzing and twitching, heavy legs, high anxiety bursts / adrenaline rushes, feel hot in the night, broken sleep.
i had all this last year, heavy legs were terrible, could not stand for too long without heart rate shooting up, muscle twitching all over, shaky etc, ive had every test under the sun and no explanation, year and 8 months on definitely better but still have odd muscle twitch and still bouts of increased heart rate, my periods during 2019 were normal however this year have gone a 41 and 54 day cycle, im now 45 but this all started at around 43, i believe its peri.
Thanks klm and serena (I can see there's a post from kmazz too but I can't see the content as it says it's waiting to be moderated).
It's such a distressing time as I can't work out if it's a trapped nerve plus peri, or just one or the other, or something else altogether. I'm considering trying HRT but don't want to treat the wrong thing!
I'm seeing a neurologist this week, and a chiropractor, my main dilemma is whether to start HRT or not.
Kadija1966 GreyCat
I started having neck pains, in February 2020, its been ongoing since, mainly right side of the neck, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, anxiety, bp rise, to name a few, seen so many doctors and tests, nothing found, doctors put me on low dose amytriptyline for anxiety, helps all my symptoms as i was constantly thinking i have some serious illness, these thoughts have taken over my peace of mind. Im sure its all hormones related.
julie57971 GreyCat
After reading all the replies, I have to agree....dont freak out! Its normal....I too am having, but getting better, all that your experiencing. anxiety is what gets me the worst...our wonderful brains and the constant worry. Just breath!!!Your not alone......I got on HRT for this and it helps tremendously.
Keep talking to people, you will see it helps to talk too!
liza83329 GreyCat
Earlier this year starting about February I had all these symptoms coming at once. Nausea, crushing fatigue, heavy achy legs, adrenaline rushes, heart palpatations where it felt like my heart would stop then start back up and beat fast, hot flashes then chills, shaky legs, sweaty palms and feet, twitches in my legs, off balance feeling and so many more symptoms. I have the pain in the back of neck and it feels like my head is heavy at times. Anxiety was so bad my heart rate and BP shot up. Went to the doc had an ekg and showed up I have Tachycardia so now I'm on meds for it now. Had blood work done and of course was told not in Perimenopause. So frustrating! So went to an ob doc and she told me to have a saliva test done to test my hormones. Results turned out I am low on progesterone and estrogen dominance. My ob doc said its common in my age which I will be 43 tomorrow. She didn't call it perimenopause just said hormone imbalance and that's what was causing all my symptoms. I've changed my diet and things have gotten a little better. Still have a few symptoms every now and then and now I know its because of stupid hormones. I did get compound hormone cream but haven't had to use it since my symptoms are not as bad. It scared me the first time the symptoms came on. Literally thought something was seriously wrong and was going to die. Sucks us women have to go through this. Hang in there. Its so hard and scary at the moment but will get through it.
c14889 GreyCat
Oh my gosh! I have the tingling in my shoulders and back too. I was super scared it was the first sign of MS (at times). My hormones have been whacked out for almost 3 years, but it does seem to be getting a lot better. Hang in there!
julie42000 GreyCat
hi Grey Cat
I've had ongoing things happening to my body over the last couple of years
ongoing pain in neck /back of throat they thought it was tonsillitis gave me antibiotics
it wasn't, went on for 10months they put me on pain killers ,low dose amitrypilyn I eventually paid for an MRI scan privately I was thinking the worst but it came back clear
the pain seemed to subside
I then started suffering pains in my left hip that would go into my inner lnee and it's like toothache
my periods started becoming erratically few months ago the last being 70days I thought I'd had my last one but the PMS went on for weeks and I did eventually come on
it's now been 32 days since my last one but my PMS is horrendous this last few days I'm really struggling with nausea cramps,sore breasts ,headache,dizziness, really high anxiety,shallowbreathing,I'm waking up at2am in a panic can't breathe heart palpitations and that continues for the rest of the night its really scary, my blood pressure went right up to 152over 102 this morning I just kept trying to do breathing techniques managed to get it back to 135 over 89,I really feel for you I might ring the doctor for a triage call maybe go back onto amitrypilyn for my anxiety and to at least get a good night's sleep
its forms help when I see how others like yourself are going through similar feelings were not alone as sometimes it does make you feel very isolated