Very depressed over visible anal fissure - advice and comments welcome !
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After childbirth in December I have an anal fissure - it's an anterior fissure which is visible with a mirror (tmi)!
Have had GTN for 8 weeks, then diltiazem, soaks, high fibre diet and laxatives and still no healing process
Now awaiting a date to see a consultant
Has anyone been in a similar situation? X
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kathy_64894 melissaxo92
melissaxo92 kathy_64894
What procedure will you need done?
I have no idea what he will decide to do but every day is pain. Don't know how to cope anymore xx
SherryPoppy melissaxo92
Hi Melissaxo92,
I have total sympathy for you. I had a fissure for approximately 5 months and was in excruciating pain. I had Botox injections for mine and thankfully I am in no pain, it's a miracle for me! I also take regucol from Holland & Barratt which helps. Good luck and stay strong x
danielle65078 melissaxo92
I have had mine for over a year now had the creams and botox procedure in January but unfortunately nothing has worked and its worse then it was now and im pretty sure i have 2 . You're not alone, i get so down about it and cry everyday and take it out on others because im in constant pain and feel like its never going to heal. Now the laxatives dont work for me because i have been using them for so long im literaly at a loss. I have a appointment next month with the specialists last time i saw him he said he doesnt recommend the surgery because of my age so if i have the botox again i feel it will be pointless as it hasnt worked the first time and im scared about the surgery. Just dont know what to do. I really hope yours heals! Xxx
melissaxo92 danielle65078
Hi Hun! I had the Botox 12 days ago now as an emergency procedure and it has helped a million!
I'm still applying my GTN and on laxatives - had a look tonight tho nd the year doesn't seem to be healing - maybe the Botox is just a number for the pain for three month- I'm dreading the Botox wearing off! xx
Claire_Marie melissaxo92
Hi Melissa I had severe anal fissures in 2015 and went through daily agony for about 9 months . I literally couldn't sit down or get comfortable without severe spasms and electrifying pain shooting Up my bum. I went to gps, out of hours emergency rooms and no one seemed that bothered.... and I'm sorry and you will agree when you have this type of pain when someone says they don't see the reason for it, it can get pretty annoying! Anyway finally after screaming bloody murder and crying constantly to a go she finally referred me to a colorectal surgeon who could see a fissure . Because it was deep and creams etc hadn't help he put me in for Botox. Now I was terrified because I had never heard of such a thing and there was horror stories aplent online( never listen them, everyone is different and everyone's reacts in the same way) i of course did listen to all the leaky bottoms and terrible things that can happen as a result of having Botox and I even put off my appointment even though I was in excruciating pain. I finally realised I didn't care what happened as long as the pain stopped so off I went for the surgery. It was quick and although I was in a bit of discomfort after a few days things started to improve.... this is not to say there weren't a few hurdles of the poop variety in the way. Word of advice take stool softners aplenty after the surgery, I didn't for some stupid reason and the day after surgery I could not pass a particular large stool and feared all the hard work of the Botox being injected would have been for no reason. I finally released said poop and from that point on I decided I had to be serious about my water , fibre intake and exercise every day to keep things moving along. I had a few days where pain was a real issue but the spasms had gone. I still do suffer with the fissures I unfortunately had 2 severely chronic ones at 6 and 12 o clock (lingo I picked up from the surgeon about where they are situated) so I do have days worse than others and I still bleed and freak out every day that it's bad.
If u have any questions or want any tips on how I got through it then send me a message
melissaxo92 Claire_Marie
Hi Hun! I had the Botox 12 days ago now as an emergency procedure and it has helped a million!
I'm still applying my GTN and on laxatives - had a look tonight tho nd the year doesn't seem to be healing - maybe the Botox is just a number for the pain for three month- I'm dreading the Botox wearing off! xx
Riri000 melissaxo92
Hi Melissa ! My fissure is external and al the way in its a bloody big tear ! I'm 8 days post op of Botox and the only advice I can offer you is you should co concider the Botox if ointments and remedies haven't worked because I wasted 5 weeks in worst pain then needed ! The Botox so far is helping
melissaxo92 Riri000
Hi Hun! I had the Botox 12 days ago now as an emergency procedure and it has helped a million!
I'm still applying my GTN and on laxatives - had a look tonight tho nd the year doesn't seem to be healing - maybe the Botox is just a number for the pain for three month- I'm dreading the Botox wearing off! xx
Riri000 melissaxo92
Hi Melissa ! Noo trust me take advantage of the Botox ! Although it's relaxing your sphincter u need to help promote healing of the fissure ! I'm 12 days post Botox to and since day 8 when I was panicking I started doing treatments like baths with BICARB soda I swear this helped to start healing the wound I saw my surgeon on day 10 and he was surprised so I swear to you just take measures to promote the healing ! I have bicarb soda in my bath and then I rub in vitamin e cream and Vaseline which keep it moist which promotes healing ! I swear by it ! Please give it a try because my fissure only started to look different and heal on day 9! My surgeon also confirmed it's important to keep your stool soft but bulky ! So the skin can heal lose and not tight otherwise it will keep retearing! But please now just focus on remedies to heal the wound and take advantage of the Botox I'm here to give u more advise but please trust me because my Fissure was a massive split from internal and external and if anyone had no hope it was me but now I swear these remedies have helped start to heal it