Very Fatigued after TURP surgery

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I had my gall bladder removed in July and in Sept I had a TURP, which is a resection of the prostrate, that is only a week ago now, but I'm getting more and more fatigued every day, is this common? I go for walks all the time, is there anything I can take to "liven" myself up?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Mike, I think you reaslly need to discuss this with your primary care physician, as well as with your urology surgeon.  I remember my mom's gall bladder surgery, and that took a lot of her, so your combination of two surgeries in short order had to be a challenge to your own body.
    • Posted

      I'm getting back to normal and got my first day back at the gym this morning at 6:00 am, so feeling quite good. Things have settled down alot and it just takes time to really recover from 2 major surgeries. Time heals all.
  • Posted

    Hello Mike.

    You may want to get your "T" # checked out.   I recently got the urolift but about 6 mos before I had the same kind of symptoms and my testerone level was very low.   Started with a bi weekly shot which totlally got me back on track!   Now i am going in next week to get the "testopel".    Check it out,   if you are in teh 200s   you are too low!

    Good Luck!

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply and yes, my body has been thru alot the past 6 months actually, and its going to take time to recover. I'm taking it easy, and this morning I got a call from the surgeon and the pathlogy report showed "no cancer", so thats great. I can drive again and have to keep aware if the stream starts to slow down, or i might end up with astricture. Which can also be dealt with to widen the urtheral.


  • Posted

    I guess the body needs more time to recover - too surgeries in a space of three months is a challenge to the body. I underwent three surgeries so far on average after every three years and I found my body challenge after each surgery. I believe you will recover with more time.
    • Posted

      on averge a surgery after every three years
    • Posted

      two surgeries in a space of three months is a challenge to the body

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