Very heavy sweating upper body, neck, face and head
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This goes beyond hot flashes. For over 20 years I have had very heavy sweating. It is to the point that my hair is soaking wet, as if I have shampooed! My upper chest, neck and face are also sweaty, drippy sweaing. Anyone else have/had this? I've asked doctors and they don't seem concerned. My mom was the same and her doctor told her it could last the rest of her life, it did. She died at 79, still sweating away. Any suggestions? And, what type of doctor to see for this?
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metamorphed sha863
I probably shouldn't answer this, as I don't get this symptom, but it sounds awful! I assume that your doctor is not concerned because your overall health is good? but surprised that the doctor hasn't suggested anything for it especially as it has gone on so long too, and that your mother suffered with it too. Did her doctor not suggest anything neither? Maybe someone else might be suffering the same but how have you coped with this for so long?
annieschaefer sha863
I have only experienced the excessive sweating, which came two years post meno, for about 6-9 months. Not sure how you have tolerated 20 years. I went to my doctor and asked to be put on a low dose AD (hormones aren't option for me) and for the most part, it seems to be helping. I still get some hot flashes but nothing like the excessive sweeting. I had even went to the extent of getting my shoulder length hair cut as I hated when the back of my hair would be sopping wet. There are some ADs that seem to help with this issue, have you tried them?
Hope you find something that works for you!
Lotti1966 sha863
The doctors say its a good thing to sweat like that. I hardly ever sweat and that they are concerned with.
HopeAgain sha863
Sybil456 sha863
I have the same thing, for the past 3 years, and it is getting worse. I end up dripping wet, my hair and clothes soaking wet. I feel like I'm being tortured. I have to bring extra clothes wherever I go, b/c once I get soaking wet from sweat, I start to freeze, and this can go on for hours. Today at my son's house for Christmas, I brought an extra set of clothes, and TWICE during the few hours we were there, I had to put my clothes in the dryer and then change to warm dry clothes. I have thyroid issues but many, many blood tests have turned up nothing. It is driving me crazy. I tried a med. for hyperhydrosis, but all it did was make me very thirsty. I'd also appreciate any suggestionss.
carolyn63563 sha863
I have the same issues you and your mom have and had. Like you , my family Dr. just
makes a note in my records. I wonder if any news has been shared since the post is a year old. I'm 69 yrs. and retired to N.W. Fl. , I really do have to avoid the heat of summer. Any help available from anyone ?
bonnie33357 sha863
Sybil456 bonnie33357
libraclass sha863
I'd love to hear if you ever found anything that was helpful. My sweating is so extreme that I can't even wear a bit of makeup, style my hair ,or wear anything like silk without ruining it. I'll be fine one second and for no apparent reason I just start squirting sweat. It ends just as abruptly. I hate it that my doctors just blow it off without even a possible explanation. My skin on my face and arms are usually ice cold to the touch when this happens. I wish the doc had to deal with it for even a day and maybe it would merit a little concern then.
Sybil456 libraclass
Hi, I wish I could say that I did. I tried some pills (don't recall name) but they didn't work. It happens that most of my clothes are black (I'm a New Yorker) but I like that b/c the perspiration doesn't show. I don't wear light colored clothes, but my makeup doesn't stay and my clothes get wet. As with you, no reason and I've had a million thryroid/endocrine tests.
My skin is generally clammy and sometimes cold to the tough. But I also am EXTREMELY sensitive to cold as well. Movie theaters are too cold for me, but if I really want to go, I have to wear long underwear under my jeans, which is ridiculous. So I'm not good in either hot or cold weather - may perfect range is about 80-85! Do you have the same issue w/ being cold?