Very irretiable and restless?
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Hi all,
like the title says!!!!.
felt like this a few times before, but today I have had this all day? I don't know why? Or why I'm like this?
does anybody else feel this way?
i carnt concentrate on anything I usually read my kindleBUT I'm still irretiable...restless Bored carnt sit still just feel well not normal not right what is this?
sound s like a crazy women....I'm guessing it's hey another peri symptom??? Anyone know what it is please??.
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elaine33371 Shelly0069
If your fatigued lethargy normally comes with it when your sat by any chance, do you lose your motivation, and have low mood, this isnt depression causing it, your lack of motivation is down to not having the energy, you need to get your energy levesl back up somewhat, if you do that, it should lift your symptoms and make you feel better, and should prove that its not you causing the depression, or that you have a depressive illness, its due to low energy levels, if you sought it doing what ive said, then build on that but, dont over exert yourself otherwise during peri you will go the other way, and make fatigue debilitating...........good luck!
paula20385 elaine33371
Take care
caroline74698 Shelly0069
Why don't you go to your doctor and see what be says. He told me its not as risky as one thought. Why not give it a go? If it helps I think it's worth it. I keep thinking I'm going mad. We're not though it's just symptoms that will pass. Take care
Caroline xxx
brendababy Shelly0069
It's your hormones fluctuating that causes the anxious restless feeling, I could barely sit still and had to pace up and down
I'm on HRT which has helped with the anxiety. However, I've been unfortunate that my balance has been affected and I feel lightheaded, off balance and woozy all the time, I find this the most debilitating symptom of all, I've never had one hot flush, it's weird
Hope this helps, try not to worry about your symptoms they will settle eventually
paula20385 Shelly0069
Take care
Zigangie Shelly0069
I've had it where I've decided it must be my flight or fight response playing up, so on edge and upright, wanting to do something but really feeling to yuk to bother.
as I thought another peri symptom!!!!!!!!!!
i drink plenty of water NO caffeine don't like tea, I'm ok there....
just well yesterday just felt anxios,irritable, just didn't feel right at all.......
what about vitamins.......would any help with this?
im only 46,yet I feel like a lot older I'm constinately aching feel as though some days well most days like I have ran a marathon and my body just ache's espicially my neck(when I turn my neck!!!!! Like it just needs a touch of some oil!!)
my legs to ache......if and when I walk up the stairs my knees click feel winded and breathless
im not overweight, slim build ..
just feel as though I have aged considerably ........x
elaine33371 Shelly0069
The aching in part can be down to low cortisol, which happens when we produce adrenaline, cortisol keeps our bones supple, so if it drops due to stress symptoms, then we ache.............another thing that could be happneing, is your calcium dropping, but that normally happens when your post, but try taking calcium supplements, get the one thats combined with vitamin d, as this helps the body absorb the calcium better, or drink plenty of milk, and calcium rich foods during this time, to hoipefully avoid that happening later on.
Given your age like me, you could also be developing osteoarthritis, causes clicking joints, if your developing it in your upper body you will get pain in your neck when you turn it, and in your neck muscles, shoulder etc, but it can sprout up anywhere where joints have worn from years of use, winter will make it worse, summer should ease it, only treatment for this is, ibuprofen, heat or, cold pads, use your joints when you have no pain, rest joints when you do have pain if you can, if you have it in your fingers, you will notice stiff joints, you also get bone nodules growing on the ends of your fingers below your nail , thats a sign mosts of your cartiledge has gone, and your bone has calcified, this has happened to me in my toes and fingers, when calcification happens pain does stop, if your hands or feet become disjointed as a result of losing cartiledge, then they can operate on joints to straighten them.
Another arthritic problem is Fibroymalgia normally comes with fatigue, this type of arthritis, affects muscles and tendons, not joints, only thing to help this is ibuprofen, or, accupuncture but its temporary affect, swimming helps this, i have this also, to test if you have this, press in your musles and if you get pain especially when your also fatigued, its more than likely it, there are no medical tests for fibromyalgia, but symptoms die down when fatigue goes, and can flare during menopause.
All the breathing problems, is a mix of slow dijestion, and adrenaline rises due to fluctuating hormones, eat little and often try and lie down after eating largemeals, so it goes through better, as dijestion slows and makes us bloat, affecting our breathing because of pressure on the diaphram, stress can also make us breathless, so do breathing relaxing tehniques to help this, there are lots of vitamins you can take, Vit B, omega oils good one, cohosh another one, chamomile tea a lot of ladies take on here, to help them relax, another one mentioned ginger tea to help dijestion, its whatever really works for you
hope some of this helps
Zigangie Shelly0069
You could try magnesium and a good quality high dose of b12 try to get methycobalmin and 1000mg lozenges as you get more into your system that was and the body does not have to convert the methycobalmin like it does with the other one (without methyl) in front of it.