Very itchy skin
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Hi ladies, anyone feeling very itchy down below? I mean it is just the groin area bit, right on top. ( being more specific, the area with the hair) I have tried all sorts of cream, none works. And also the pain right underneath the right breast near the rib cage. There is no pain when i am still, it only happen when i move or press on it. I hope everyone is staying safe and not being too down, with all these horrible meno symptoms and this virus going around, just make our current suffering even worse. Hang in there ladies, we can do it.
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Marisa02082 Yuen50
Yes!! I have had that for years ..the itch..the rash..been to docs and now am seeing a more of a holistic doc. I still do not know and I would love so badly to be gone. It basically stays now and doesnt leave. Would love to know if anyone else has it. Right now I am on a gut re- boot...I will let you know if it works. I have tried everything. also been thru so many tests. Your not alone. Hugs to you!!
Yuen50 Marisa02082
Hi Marisa, so glad to hear that this is one of the symptoms too, i always think that i have some sort of infection down below even though i dont have a partner. But it is getting so so itchy lately, do you think stress make it worse. I am also having this problem for years now, its sort of comes and goes but recently all the other symptoms seem to come back and hit me even harder than before. Trying hard to endure
Marisa02082 Yuen50
Stress makes it 1000 times worse!!! Try not to itch it..I know its hard...mine was off and on for years and I went to doctors, acupunturist, you name it...I did not want to keep putting steriod creams on the outside of my vagina...Its some sort of dermititis but I feel hormones contributed to it. I am still dealing with it..I use Butt paste and it helps me not itch and sooths it. If it doesnt go can always go get checked...Mine has never left but I am still trying. Good luck to you and keep in touch!! 😃
katyD211 Yuen50
Yesss! I hate the itchies, as I call it. It changes up...sometimes in that area sometimes almost anyplace else. Everyday is a different symptom. Today palpitations are back...i feel the flutters in my scary. Haven't felt in a while. When that stops this time...another will show up. Hot flashes headache rumbling gut itchies ???? who knows...and you're right the added stress of wondering if its a CoVid19 symptom makes you wanna scream...
Sorry for the rant...but yes..I itch there periodically pit of nowhere!!!