Vesicare to help with peeing
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4 weeks post Robotic prostatectomy and having problems peeing on my own during day. Mostly wet diapers during day. Doctor not concerned about urinary retention but wondering if anyone has tried 5mg Vesicare 1x daily to help with this? Also wondering if too soon to try bc I am hoping it will continue to improve on its own. Thanks everyone!
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MK51151 jerald1234
i am 7+ weeks post RP and I am taking Oxybutinin (Detrol XL) 10 mg for same reason. First 3 weeks I was taking 5 mg and after that 10 mg.
Yes it helps calm the bladder so you can stay longer between urinations.
vincentb jerald1234
My last 4 psa results the same 0.05
Im 67 fit for age . Just finished 3 month
Corse of vesicare 10 mg it seemed to help me not want to go as much.i have used
Uridom with leg bag . For day trips so you dont have to worry.surgeon had dificulty
Re atatching my penis seems
a lot shorter. At the moment im on medium pads . One lasts all day and only slightly wet .my scuba buddy had robotic 6 months before me . He is back to nomal now
Hope you get better soon
barney34567 jerald1234
Greetings Jerald, Mk and Vincent,
I cannot comment in Vesicare but recently I mentioned to my urologist that I have bladder pain when walking.
He Rx'd Amitriptilyne 10mg twice a day and BOY oh BOY! It calms the nerves around the bladder.
Background: the med is really an anti depressant when taken at 75 mg twice a day but was incidentally found to be a bladder nerve calmer when used at 10 mg twice a day.
I had RARP iugsut and have been on Amitriptilyne since sept.
Some days I take two tablets, sometimes 1 sometimes none. depending on the pain.
Good luck and merry Xmas.
Sorry, one line above is unclear. I meant to say "I had RARP in August".
auntiebeanie jerald1234
My husband is 7 weeks post bobot assisted radical prostatectomy. He still wears a pad during the day as does leak at times, he found after cathertar taken out, he just had a constant flow for a couple of days then leaked a lot but when he went to pee it just poured out. He now has more control but still leaking in the day abit. follow up isnt until 10th Jan, although he saw continence nurse at 4 weeks and she said he now has stress incontinence. Will ask about medication when he sees surgeon. As a woman who had major problems at one time I had urge and stress incontinence, tried vesicare, and Oxybutinin and a couple of others. For me what worked and still does is Toviaz (Fesoterodine Fumarate) its expensive so docs, use it as a last resort. I have been on it around 5 years. I also had amitryptaline at night which settled things down for me. Things will get better. My husband finds if he gets stressed out he will leak whereas other times he can control it. x
MK51151 auntiebeanie
today, I am 8 weeks post op from my RP. Surgery was on November 2nd and catheter removed on November 10th. I a, still wearing pull ups Depends for men and 1-2 per day. I am weighing my pull ups before and after use so I know how much leakage I have. I am down to around 100 ml in 24 hours. I see it is improving slowly and I hope by 3 months post op I might be dry or very close to dry.
As for medication for bladder I am using Oxybutinin 10 mg ER and it helps. My time between urinating is getting to 2.5 - 3 hrs. During the nights it went down to just one time from 3-4 times after surgery.
After dinner, controlling my fluids. Some nights glad of vine after dinners does not affect my leakage.
derek51088 MK51151
I had my prostatectomy on the 10/8/16. Be patient it will get better,follow urologist advice,pelviv FE.What helps with me is while peeing stop midstream,and hold up to 3 times if you can. I dont wear pads anymore,it took 3 and a half months for me.It is still not perfect, slight leak sometimes,that's when i forget to hold my pelvic floor,the more you do this when lifting,walking,sneezing etc,.it does help.I get once a night still to pee.But is a vast improvement ,like you after the op up 3 or 4 a night.Sounds like you are on the right track.Good luck.
barney34567 auntiebeanie
I used it and still do. It works a charm!
barney34567 MK51151
I take it morning and afternoon (low dose) and it relieves nerve pain on the bladder.
It has no effect on leakage, but does make moving about pain free.
auntiebeanie barney34567
barney34567 auntiebeanie
Was that for depression?
I ask because the dose for bladder nerve pain is 20mg per day.