Vestibular Migraines

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Hello ladies as many of you know the off balance dizzy feelings during peri and menopause are actually vestibular migraines aka MAV (very common) during menopause.. For all the ladies who only suffer from the off balance dizziness thank your lucky stars that you don't have the full on migraine attacks with it, as you can have these migraines silent or not, imagine having the dizziness off balance along with the full on migraine attack, it literally leaves you disabled can't do anything stops you in your tracks!! Just wanted to hear from the ladies who suffer both and if you have the full migraine attacks do you get the numbness on one side of your body , and also ive been getting the ocular migraine attack with my migraines they alternate, and leaves the one eye very blood shot red in only the one eye. Do any of you get this as well.. Hopefully everyone is feeling good today!!

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15 Replies

  • Edited

    I get vestibular, ocular, abdominal and haemoplegic migraines. I don't live I just exist. I have to see my doctor every week because I'm suicidal.

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      its all so awful I know first hand, I believe mine are the hemiplegic migraines as well as I have the numbness to one side of my body arm and leg can't move to much during my attacks.. But they cycle themselves monthly not chronic or constant but still very very bad.. I'm sorry yours are so bad and constant, I pray you get some relief with your symptoms soon.. I hear these can get to where they are constant but that you get relief after hormones settle. And I do hope you find some kind of comfort seeing your doctor weekly.. I'm praying for you!!!!

  • Posted

    Really? I haven't heard of this. I would have thought the Neurotologist I saw recently would have mentioned that when I was tested for BPPV.. My main complaint is the dizziness and off balance, second being the buzzing.. I don't get migraines.. frequent headaches though and occasionally they are bad ones..

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      j , that sounds just like me!!

      im going to ask my ENT about the bbvp.... i do have some doozy headaches but i dont consider them migraines.../ but i do have the off balance and sometimes my brain feels like its on a farris wheel 😦

      take care ladies ❤❤

    • Posted

      Hi jready.. Yes the dizzy off balance is bad for me as well.. Definitely can't mistake the migraine part of all this, for me when it starts its the very bad dizzy off balance feeling for a day or 2 that is there for weeks out of the month,before hand, but very bad a day o r 2 before the attack then numbness sensitive to lights and smells weakness vision problems then weakness numbness to one side of body. And then the migraine attack.. All this can happen without the actual migraine for others, causing you to think its just vertigo when in fact its actually migraine associated vertigo without the headache/migraine, its silent.. Oh how I wish mine were silent if I must go thru this uggh praying for better days ahead for all us ladies suffering on this site!! Hang in there ladies...

  • Posted

    Is that true? My dizziness started three weeks or so ago when I woke up, turned over, and sat up. The whole room started spinning. Since then, I have these weird waves of dizziness. It is terrible. I am dizzy with a headache now.

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      Hi staci, I know the dizziness is so bad day after day.. Blurry vision all of it.. Somtimes I could be turning around and I keep going, or sitting still and everything is moving by me like outer space.. Rain and snow and sunlight bouncing off the trees are the worst, gets me so dizzy and nauseated.. Wish it would all go away..

    • Posted

      Do you think there is a connection to tension? I notice that I have to remind myself several times a day to relax my eye/jaw/neck muscles. I think it partly has to do with the eyesight. I feel like I am constantly tense in the face to help me see. I also notice when I release the tension in my jaw, inside my ears feels different. I was wondering if maybe that was contributing to the dizziness. What ever happened to Lou?

    • Posted

      it feels as if I wrote this post, I feel exactly the same especially the tension in jaw and how inside my ears feel. Tension definitely makes it worse. These peri symptoms are too much to handle.

  • Posted

    Hi Gypsy,

    wow i did not know this. i have suffered from vertigo since 1997 but it eventually settled to shorter bouts every month instead of yrs of every day.... when i started getting it every day again i didnt know why and my monthly migraines increased along with it...

    i have been hit with the most shocking peri stick.... like i am being punished for every mistake i ever made in my life like i was a mass murderer not only in this life but every past life to.

    I'm so over it all... if it wasnt bad enough a child at woolies coughed all over me the other day and now i have a rotten cough and illness to go with it... I haven't had a cold or flu in donkeys yrs... urgh....

    • Posted

      Hi shylee, glad to hear yours eventually settled for you.. The dizziness numbness and sharp migraines can be so awful!

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      Hi Gypsy

      I just re read what i wrote and realized i was in a real whinging moment when i wrote it, sorry.

      I do have dizziness everyday still but mostly when i move my head back to the left of forward. I have always had head pressure because of the migraines and because of the vertigo and head ear pressure. I don't know why i have it all or why Peri makes it worse, but i do know that the HRT and Carbamazepine has helped for me to reduce all the symptoms... (to a point) I don't know how it will work for other ppl only how it has helped me. It has never gone away though

      I do hope you find some help for yours

  • Posted

    hello Gypsi

    i was diagnose with intractable migrane i get dizzy, see floaters, confusion, tingly hands and body the right side, and the head pain that last for weeks . i got to a neuromuscular massage teraphy. and i get relived hat way .

    • Posted

      Hi eliaimee, I feel your pain, I have been suffering too with these awful awful migraines for a couple years now started when peri hit hard, never had before.. And whats so bad is its not just migraines its everything that goes along with the migraine, dizziness off balance confusion like you say ( I get that too) the numbness and vision problems, its all so debilitating.. I will have to look into that neuromuscular therapy sounds promising.. Take care...

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