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anybody feel a vibrating sensation in their uterus area?  Omg... I am so tired of all this.  Heavy periods, spotting between them it's like it never ends... I am tired and moody and bloated.  UGHHHHH not to mention anxious as i have a doctors appt on the 29th to see what the hell is going on with me.  anyone have the same issues during peri?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Haha! Yes, I remember that one! OMG, it used to come and go-didn't have a clue what it was, but hasn't happened lately. Odd sensation, isn't it?  Yes, it does get tiresome at times, these odd happenings, thankfully they do pass. confused
  • Posted

    I feel like they will never pass. Does anyone have any suggestions on keeping my iron up? My doctor doesn't want me to take iron until he does labs to see if I truly need it or not. 😖
    • Posted

      Why not wait for the bloodwork results to confirm you need it? Many of us are/were tired and didn't have low iron levels. Be careful about what supplements you take. Some of the fatigue is simply from peri-and it comes and goes. That was one of my first symptoms, I thought I was terminally ill as I was beyond exhausted and yet all the labs were normal! Ugh!
    • Posted

      I am just taking a multivitamin and eating a bit better not taking anything extra like the doctor told me too. The reason I asked is I feel like I have had my period forever!!! Lol with all the spotting. I just worry it's low. I have a really hard time getting up in the morning ugh!!!
    • Posted

      Should you need to increase your iron intake, vit C increases the uptake of iron in food.  Break a chewable vit C (500) into pieces and have a piece with each meal.  OJ/Fruit juices are high in sugar so be careful with that.

      The foods that decrease the uptake of iron are, green/black tea, coffee, red wine, dairy, calcium.  So avoid these with meals.

      High iron can give you the same symptoms of low iron, so best to check test results first.  Too much iron is toxic.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the input! I read that but c helps with the absorption of iron. Not taking to much just my multi. But I think I will limit my intake of coffee in the morning!!

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