Vibration /menopause

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I have been experiencing a weird sensation in my head similar to vibrations or thumping very hard to explain the feeling. It just doesn't feel right does anyone else experienced this? I am going through menopause and is usually but not always followed by a very bad hot flash. I do take blood pressure medicine but my blood pressure is not raised at the time of these episodes.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, yes, these are common. I got them in perimenopause. I didn't exactly know where it coming from I just felt it in my body, and I thought it was the ground vibrating at times. It's just another strange symptom of this phase. My doctor explained what it was at the time, it is hormonal, but I can't remember what she said. 

    Anyhow, I would consult my doctor if I were you just to be sure it's nothing and maybe you'll get an explanation as to what it is. 

    • Posted

      Hi I've posted on here previously about this when I go to bed and lie down I get vibrations in my head I suffer migraines and thought it might be that but expect it's perimenipause related . It's reassuring to know that someone else experiences same feelings

  • Posted

    Its actually anxiety. I've had it since my 20's. A feeling of electricity going through my brain and/or body.

  • Posted

    Hi I have had these for the last 3 years - they are in the back of my head and neck - almost like a tremor. I was terrified when it first started happening - I thought I was having some sort of fit or had something seriously wrong - I usually get it when I'm tired, stressed or the morning after I've drank alcohol - sometimes caffeine sets it off so I avoid that. I've read so often on here that this type of tremor/vibration is hornonal so it's reassuring to read others also experience it x

    • Posted

      Hi I've had this feeling for 3 years not every night but frequently it does worry me and I've mentioned it to neurologist and several doctors but no one seems that bothered about it !

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      Hi CHeryl out of interest do you also suffer from migraines? I'm trying to work out if mine are migraine or meno related?

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    Hi, o had these about year ago. Back of my head near the neck or side of my head felt fuzzy or electricity going through it. It was very very odd. But I haven't had it for some time now.

  • Posted

    Thank you Cheryl, I was trying to recall the term, tremors.  Luckily, it was just light tremors with no anxiety
  • Posted

    Hi, yes I get this too! I have it right now so annoying.... For me it's definitely anxiety!!!! And of course certain things will trigger it, I was just in a store and the florescent lights bother me bad, it just set this off for me sounds weird but it does, it's horrible, pay attention to next time your in a store and see if it happens to you. Almost like a numb vibration. Hope it goes away for you soon.

  • Posted

    I had this a year and a half ago. It was on my whole left side from head to toe. I could only sleep on the couch on my right side. Went to er several times and they looked at me like I was crazy. It eventually went away but I believe it was hormones after I figured out I was going through perimenopause. Sad these Drs don't know what's going on during this time.

  • Posted

    I get these too, they are frightening however they are definitely hormonal and are described as electric shocks. I usually get them at night. Its really just another hormonal thing we have to live with.

    Love to all

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