Posted , 7 users are following.
Anyone with blurred vision since starting peri? I have it most times when i rest am better ..its scary tho😢😣
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Anyone with blurred vision since starting peri? I have it most times when i rest am better ..its scary tho😢😣
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metamorphed wendy36287
hi wendy. I've had blurry vision on and off. I had eyes checked but everything was ok. They did say that I had dry eyes and I now use Natural Tears eyedrops almost every day for this. It helps with the blurry vision too. If you haven't already, have an eye test and maybe get the drops. They are over the counter but you have to ask for these ones as they will just give the regular ones if you don't.
wendy36287 metamorphed
gailannie wendy36287
wendy36287 gailannie
CCinCal gailannie
Yes that happened to me. My yearly eye exam last year was fine and within a couple of months when my peri symptoms intensified I needed reading glasses for everything even eating. Didn't even ease into it but BAM! All of a sudden it hit.
kim74983 wendy36287
LM2114 kim74983
Kim this is exactlys what happens to me, I was also diagnosed with dry eye, over the counter drops helped but I now I have use my glasses all day
since my close vision is getting worst now my new glasses are progressive, the dr said that dry eyes can cause blurry vision, that started in may, I never felt my eyes where dry, but when I use the drops my vision gets better, however this month I started feeling everything dry, my skin, mouth, vagina everything!!! Not fun...
wendy36287 kim74983
maureen12052 wendy36287
I have it all the time some days are worst then others.
Night time seems to better. I thought is was just me.
Sometime I feel like I need to stretch my eyes open
really wide to see clearly. It really is a scary thing to
have your vision be so blurry.😑
wendy36287 maureen12052