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Hi. Im a 19 year old female with severe health anxiety and I am currently experiencing horrible visual symptoms. It started with the sudden development of eye floaters about a month ago that caused me extreme stress. Then I started looking into it and read up a bunch about stuff like visual snow, after images, etc. and ever since that point - I spiralled. I see static now 😦! Just like I read about. I also have weird circular patterns/disortions in my vision that start when I look at a surface (eg. wall) for more than a few seconds. I also think i see movement in my peripheral vision. The sky also looks sparkly when I go outside.

Ophthalmologist say my eyes are perfectly healthy! All other tests have also come up normal.

My question is: Is this anxiety messing with my vision? Has anyone experienced any of these things? Will it go away once I treat my anxiety? i am starting CBT therapy next week. Please help.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I suffered through something similar about 6 years ago. I had to go to two different Ophthalmologists to ease my anxiety, but after hearing from both of them that my eyes were fine I slowly got over it. I never went on medication or anything, just got better with time and knowing both eye doctors couldn’t find anything.

    I have no idea what triggered it but I was sitting down one day watching a movie and noticed things looked off. (Tbh, I probably just needed a new prescription) but my anxiety made things so much worse. I started seeing halo’s around lights and other alarming symptoms, but they all slowly went away. Besides my night vision; which is still bad for some reason and no one knows why.

    But 6 years later and my vision is fine. If you want extra reassurance (which is what helped me) get an appointment with a different Ophthalmologist, tell them all your symptoms, and go from there.

    • Posted

      Thank you - I actually plan on seeing in a few days from today as well to be 100% sure. Also - when you say you still have poor night vision, do you mean like you can't see great at night? Does it severely affect you ?

    • Posted

      That’s good news. The appointments can be quite costly, but peace of mind is priceless and I don’t regret the multiple appointments I had when going through the same thing. So do whatever you need to do to ease your mind.

      I think it’s where I’m very nearsighted my night vision has become poor. Although I haven’t noticed much difference within the years. I just have a hard time seeing objects and contrast in poorly lit rooms. It’s not unbearable, like if there’s a tv on in a dark room, I’m fine but I wouldn’t be able to make out the words on the tv remote; I’d have to use the light on my phone to see them.

  • Posted

    Hi , if your doctor has said you eyes were good then they are , anxiety is an evil force that can play you like a fiddle , making you think everything in the world is wrong with you ,, First you suffer anxiety from a cause of something else .. Anxiety dont just happen . In most cases anxiety is a result from low vitamin D levels . Do you know what yours is ? There is a list of symptoms , besides anxiety is hallucinations and schizophrenic ( health anxiety ) . Have your vitamin D levels checked ,mean while when your eyes play tricks on you ,hold a wet warm press on them for a while , clearing the pupils . Be assured your eyes are ok !

    • Posted

      Thank you for your response 😃 I have been taking vitamin d supplements recently to combat any deficiencies I may have. I really do hope these vision symptoms are transient.

  • Posted

    yes, it is anxiety. I know it feels like its not but I have been dealing with health anxiety a while now and I have had every weird symptom in the book. The brain is able to produce virtually any symptom you can imagine. Its scary in some ways but if you learn to ignore it, you will notice it begins to drift away. It takes time but you can do it! CBT will help 😃

  • Posted

    im going through the exact same thing right now and its driving me crazy i thought i was the only one

  • Posted

    Hey 😃 I'm currently experiencing the same problem you've described! I was diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency in July 2020 and have been taking Vitamin D3 + K2 + Magnesium daily since July. In September, I noticed changes in my vision (floaters, visual snow, after images) and I got quite anxious. I think anxiety, screen time and stress make these vision problems worse and I barely notice them when I'm relaxed and busy with things I enjoy.. I was wondering if low magnesium might be the cause. The constant intake of rather high doses of vitamin D probably keeps my magnesium level quite low even though I'm also supplementing magnesium. Additionally, I was diagnosed with a temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) which might also cause vision problems. How are you feeling now? I hope you're doing better! 😃

  • Posted

    no need to worry! Anxiety for some reason can produce eye floaters, Squigley‘s and all sorts of things in your vision. I have had eye floaters for years and they all started with intense anxiety. I don’t notice them anymore because after a while the brain tunes them out. I have also had weird Squigley‘s, bright spots, couldn’t see peripheral, etc. None of it is harmful and you’ve had your eyes checked out so please don’t let this stress you out. The more stressed you get the more of these you will have .

    so do all you can to relax your mind because you are healthy and it’s nothing serious. Mine started when I was in my 20s and I’m now in my 50s. I don’t get all those crazy symptoms anymore and I haven’t for a long time. You’re going to be OK!

  • Posted

    I've had the same issues in the last month. I'm 53. very scary. thats all I focus on. Drives me crazy.

  • Edited

    I have had floaters for over 30 years! They are harmless. I don’t notice them much anymore but if I do look at the sky I see little dots and sparkly things. But mine was all due to long-term stress and anxiety. They suddenly came out of nowhere when I was in my 20s along with many other symptoms of anxiety. But my eyes are very healthy . after a while the brain does not notice them as much anymore and they won’t be as a parent and hopefully yours will be gone permanently. anxiety can cause all sorts of visual effects. Your eyes are healthy! Don’t stress out about it because it can create more symptoms. Live your life! ❤

  • Posted

    Hello I have very bad health anxiety aswell I feel your pain. I randomly found this Googling my eye symptoms. I see little rings in the centre of my vision that I see on walls and when I move my eyes quickly. and I get really bad floaters etc. I feel like Im going crazy but to know someone else has similar things helps. I too have been to opthalmology and they say I'm fine but they have sent me to a brain specialist to see if it's my visual cortex.

    I would love to talk to you about it because I've had no one to relate to with it.

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