Visit today to alcohol recovery centre

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Had my monthly visit to the key worker today.

Still had the same problem, prescriptions split in two, so I am expected to take a forward dated prescription, back there in mid month and just take two weeks now, which is a pain. I explained the situation to her, and seemed to take it on aboard and come up with a solution to stop this nonsense.

She tried the group therapy angle today and once again I politely turned it down. Although I am thinking of going just once, just to see what it is like. Not because I want the support or because I want to gawp at other people less fortunate than me - it was indicated to me today that I am the only person on Campral, no one else is abstaining. But because I want to understand the system and the thought process behind it and see first hand what it does for people and what they expect.

I wonder if anyone here has been to one of those groups, because I'd be interested in what to expect. She seemed to indicate to me that they were quite big into the cognitive therapy thing.

Lastly I did have to laugh. She started questioning me (my last key is on maternity leave, so this was a new one) in a way that led me to believe that I was leading the meeting, at which point I said, do you know anything about Campral, have you ever dealt with anyone on it before, no was the reply. Internally I was smiling to myself and shaking my head.

Don't get me wrong, they are nice enough people, they put me on Campral and they pretty much leave me alone except for my monthly visit and pick up the prescription. The only real niggle is this two week prescription thing.

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42 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi RHGB.  Could you ask your G.P. for a prescription for a month's supply of Campral?  Does your Doc. know that you take it?

    Alonangel 🎇

    • Posted

      He won't prescribe it off of his own bat, but if the recovery centre keep responsibility and he just writes the prescription, then I'm sure he'll be happy to do that. That is one of the options we discusse and I discussed with the last lady, and I know they spoke to my GPs surgery, but only got as far as the practice manager. I'm not sure why it didn't happen.

      Once I know they've requested it, I'll be on to one of my GPs, I have their direct email addresses. Oh, and yes, I informed my GP I was taking it, as my primary health care provider, they need to be aware of everything I take. If I got run over tomorrow and taken to hospital, my GP would probably be their first port of call.

    • Posted

      OK.  I'm not familiar with Recovery Centre workings.  Did you just "walk in" there, or did your G.P. refer you?

      I just see my Doc.  I could not cope with Group Meetings.  I get too emotional about it all.  'Cry all over the place !  Nervous wreck.

  • Posted

    Interested to see how you feel about the group therapy if you go.

    Also wondered how you are feeling on the Campral (perhaps I have missed a post, sorry). 

    Thank you for the update.

    Take care RHGB.


    • Posted

      Campral is working fine, been on it for about six weeks now. No side effects and it is difficult to explain, but you just don't end up thinking about alcohol or feeling the need to consume it. Don't get me wrong, I could walk in a pub tomorrow and happily drink, but I don't feel the urge.

      And it doesn't seem to dull any of the other senses, which a lot of medication can.

    • Posted

      I won't ask which senses in particularwink, but I understand what you are saying. 

      I am so glad it is working for you, you have worked so hard to get where you are and I admire your strength.


    • Posted

      Masquerading as an angelic sort... I thought of the five senses... sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing.

      Don't hurt yourself laughing, Vickylou. 


  • Posted

    Hi ..I too had carpal. However it was not very helpful for me..

    I attended an alcohol support group at the hospital for many years...I made many good friends...we also had many laughs...when discussing our various crazy escapades....and there were may help if you try it for just a couple of may enjoy it...I have not been sectioned for 13 yrs....I do have a few drinks twice or maybe 3 times a week.but it is now under control....I wish you all much love and success....we are not!!! Weak or bad people....we need and deserve support ...and you can get there I promise.....4 times I was only 1 week away from death.....but I got there in the end....we all and big hugs to everyone....Dee ..Deirdre xxx xxx

    • Posted

      Being sectioned, that would frighten the bejesus out of me. I was terrified they were going to do that to me in hospital, because I made a nuisance of myself always trying to escape.
    • Posted

      RHGB, you're just going to have to gather yourself, then come out and tell them one day. Again and again, you've tried your best to be nice about it, but you're clearly allergic to morons. 
    • Posted

      No, I can't, I am in denial. I refuse to believe that she said to me, prior to me asking her if she knew anything about Campral, that did I ever test myself and maybe not take it for a day, to see what would happen. Because sometimes she does that, when she gets a course of anti-biotics that you are meant to keeping taking the full course, even if it appears that the symptoms have gone. She gives up on it half way through to see what happens. (The thought process of asking her did she ever consider tasting arsenic, just to see what it tastes like, because I had heard it smells of almonds, momentarily passed through my mind).

      I have realised that it is not their job to assess me, explain the options and recommend a course of treatment and follow that up. I realise as I have done, that it is my job to go to them, and explain which medication is best for me and the reasons for that. Then guide them through the process. So with that in mind, I explained that the half life of Campral is around 24 hours, therefore it will still be in you system for a day.

      I have come to realise that this is the way the world works today and any sytem or values that I might have grown up with, are no longer applicable, such as common sense. Unfortunately my neuro consultant has advised aginst sustaining any head injuries, so my previous stress relief pass time of banging my head against the wall, is out.

    • Posted

      You are in good form today, RHGB.  I have a pain in my side, from laughing out loud. Good onya !

      Alonangel 😀😄😂

    • Posted

      It is of course cyanide, not aresenic that smells of almonds - apologies for the error.
    • Posted

      Ooooh you do make me laugh. Have you ever thought of writing a book? It would be hilarious with your dry, slightly warped (in a nice way) sense of humour. Add a touch a sarcasm along with a bit of cynicism and away you go, a best seller.

      OMG did she really compare you  taking campral with her taking antibiotics ? Surely a trained monkey would realise that campral would still be in your system.

      To me, the whole system beggars belief, my key worker when I used to go looked at me gone out when I mentioned TSM and naltrexone. I ended up printing a load of stuff of the Internet for her ready for my next visit. Her very words were "well is this for real, I've never heard of this, it's fascinating, can I keep this and copy it as no one here has never said anything about it"

      i gave up with common sense a long time ago, along with the headaches caused with the proverbial brick wall.

      look forward to your next epistle

    • Posted

      i wish there was an edit button, should have said no one here has ever said
    • Posted

      I think Vickylou's idea is excellent! You could self-publish and leave a few copies in the waiting room. The cover would have a caricature of you, pouring yourself a tablespoon of Dammitol...
    • Posted

      I think he should. He has a real gift for telling a story or describing situations in a very unique way

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