Visual disturbances are scaring me

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since my hysterectomy I have been getting flashing lights when my eyes are closed and constantly feel like there are objects in my peripheral vision. Eye tests show nothing and my neurologist doesn't seem concerned. Does anyone else get this. It's making me very jumpy and scared.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    HI Tracy, I get this and it is no big deal. I have always had poor vision and astigmatism in both eyes. Floaters, corkscrew worm looking things, wiggly waves in my peripheral vision as well. At night especially is where I swear things next to me are moving! My eye dr explained that The vitreous jelly in the back of our eyes break down as we age. If you have bad eyesight especially, it can be more troublesome I take omega3 as it is supposed to help. Try not to worry, more of an annoyance really.

  • Posted

    I get all of this too. It is all apart of the aging process as well as menopause. No need to worry. It is just another bothersome issue to deal with! OMEGA 3 is the best to take. I take 2 a day. They are around 1200 mg per capsule. Take with food.

  • Posted

    hi TRACY, yes i've had visuall disturbance for years, mostly associated with or without migraine headache. i used to get really scared but there really is nothing to worry about, it usually passes within about 20mins

    im about 12 months without a period now and migraines are less often and no visual disturbance either for months

    take care xx

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