Vitamin B

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Well,today I had the first of 3 of these and it really really hurtsad

Had it at local alcohol services because they thought I might be malnourished because so many alcoholics are (I'm 5"2 and 12 stone).....

But if they want to give me vitamins for free I'm all for it.Also had my 24 hour blood pressure thing on today and going back in the morning to the nurse at my surgery to get the results

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Nicole,

    So, I take it that the Vitamin B  was an injection... or ...intravenous... How come it hurt, so much ?  

    I hope your B.P. readings are good, tomorrow.

    Stay strong,

    Alonangel 🎇

  • Posted

    IV delivery of vitamins is for emergencies, when a large dose of vitamins is needed rapidly and they don't want to wait for the liver to metabolise them. When patients are not eating or hepatic failure, or for some reason the body cannot process them.

    If you had needed them, the time to have given them to you was the first day they saw you. I despair at these places. But you're getting your prescription and that is what is important, so keep them happy.


    • Posted

      My sentiments too. I'm 5' 8" and 11.5 stone. Is this a new thing. I take thiamine twice daily. I'm not malnourished, well no one has said I am at least!.

      i presume it was an injection at the surgery, rather than intravenous ?

  • Posted

    It was at signpost,the local addiction centre.The needle was massive and it was given in the bum and took a good 60 seconds to go in.

    I'm having another one today then the last on Friday,I'm presuming I will feel like superwoman by the end if it!

    • Posted

      Hi Nicole,

      Good Luck for today and Friday's jabs.  I'm not usually scared of needles..... but yours sounds like "the exception to the rule"!

      I hope to goodness that the vitamins do whatever they are supposed to.

      Happy New Super Life !!

      Alonangel 🎇


  • Posted

    The injection is called pabrinex for those that are interested
  • Posted

    I remember why I assume it was IV. Taken from the Guys & St. Thomas NHS site about detoxing.

    Pabrinex can be given intramuscularly in very exceptional

    circumstances – each pair has a volume of


    It is extremely painful and the risk of haematoma is significant.

    Under these circumstances it may only be possible to

    give ONE pair (7mL) IM at a time and this dose

    repeated as often as the patient will tolerate. Cons

    ider reverting to intravenous therapy as soon as


    I do worry about these alcohol recovery centres. It is only ever given like that for emergency detox usually in hospital, when time is of imporatance. Months after the event, oral medication is fine and preferred.

    I'd be asking them, this is an IV medication, for emergency use, why am I being given it by IM, when it is not designed to be given that way and why are you not prescribing orally.

    Apart from the very early days in hospital, when I probably wasn't compos mentis, I was not give IV or IM, the nurse came around every evening, witth the old pill trolley and gave out our prescribed pills. And then stood over us and watched us take them. I always used to call her Nurse Ratched.


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