Vitamin B complex
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After my panick attack this morning that came out of the blue been playing on my mind why it happend thought it was just down to my period starting but i have been taking vitamin b complex and just read that this can increase anxiety and panick anybody else had this
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TeresaJS donna27148
Vit. B causing anxiety?????? How come? I would very much say the opposit's true.
Maybe you need to add some high potency vit C.
I think what you experienced has nothing to do with your vit B supplements.
I wish you to get well soon. Teresa
janeben donna27148
I too thought it was supposed to do the opposite!
Years ago my GP recommended high Vit Bs for stress snd anxiety.
If you google it, both vit B6 and B 12
Hope it's correct as I've just started taking these again as well as the odd Kalms when required!
janeben donna27148
I find it just takes the edge off of the anxiety. Makes it more manageable.
I'm a petite woman so only take one tablet when they state two.
As for the Vit B...just bought new stock! Never heard of them causing stress! Oh dear, there are few people to ask so we all end up self-diagnosing! Or helping each other!
susan21149 donna27148
Hope you are feeling better. Just do some relaxation and take it easy today.
shaznay96184 donna27148
But I'll probably upset TeresaJS here and say Yes, I too had experienced increased sensitivity/anxiety and feeling a bit jittery whilst taking this supplement. It was probably over 10+ yrs ago and I thought it would improve my mood generally, but for me it was quite the opposite. I took the recommended dose, and only for a very few days. Stopped it pronto: no point in feeling worse than I did (which wasn't that bad, on reflection, but might have been the very start of Peri - I feel like I've been in it for Donkey's years!).
Yep, I know that it smacks in the face to actually cause anxiety, but have to say that I too can say that I have experienced something along the lines of what you did, but probably to a much lesser degree.
(Aside from Antibiotics, and a time on Tranexamic Acid (for heavy bleeding: stopped taking and bleeding was much improved: never taken it since) I'm not kidding when I say I've never taken meds etc on a regular basis.
Know now at 54 that I have been truly blessed with obvious good health, but I put this down to being a very resilient 'get on with it'-type. Maybe that's why I have never felt the need to go see my GP that often.
Looking down the replies, I see than there are only a few of us who've experienced this.
I wonder what other meds you're taking? Being a bit of a medi-phobe, I rarely take combinations of anything, and always check doses. Wonder if you overdone the dose this morning?? it was just a thought......
donna27148 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 donna27148
Yeah, who knows, you could be right.
You could speak with your GP, a Pharmacist or check on Google to see the likelihood of these meds interacting.
Hope you're feeling better now:-)
annieschaefer donna27148
I do know that if you have a gene mutation (it's something that not many docs are testing for currently) MTHFR, it can affect how folate and B12 are absorbed or not in some people.
This is way too long of a topic to try and explain on this forum-it can be googled so you may see if this could be something close to what you read.
It happens not too long ago, I was tested for it and now I take the correct type of folate and B-12, and try to avoid foods that have regular folate added to it (I simply avoid processed food at this point) to help keep what's left of my sanity! lol!
I know it sounds odd, but may be worth checking out. Otherwise, maybe it's the fillers in the vitamins itself that you may be reacting to or even coincidental timing of the attacks. Hope you discover the source of your anxiety.
Annie x
shaznay96184 annieschaefer
Mine wasn't a B Complex, just a run-of-the-mill Vit B supplement from Boots.
And I know at the time (between 8-10yrs ago) I recall reading then that this can sometimes cause a bit of anxiety.
If you Google the same question as I did "Can Vit B cause anxiety?" you'll read lots of reports, from 'Doctors' and us mere mortals stating this.
Maybe for me personally I may not have actually needed to supplement this it at that time?
My experience of it now at 54 and definitely whilst Peri is completely and utterly different. My one-a-day Menopace Original clearly delivers a balance of vits/mins that i need right now.
I believe my life-long aversion to taking meds/vits/mins willy-nilly of whether i actually need them has helped my body reacts/responds to them properly when I do.
Seems at 54, its just my other good ol' mate resilience, a dab of bio identical Prog Cream and Menopace are all I need at the mo.
Don't let me give you the impression that I'm a picture of healthy (least of all a raging beauty:-) !) and live a totally virtuous life. Far from it! I'm just as ordinary as you can get, with as many vices as the rest of you (bar smoking/drinking/drugs!). I've just been lucky to have stayed well and not needed much by way of medical intervention. Yes, I am a bloody Enigma:-) :-) :-) !)
Seriously now, Getting back to Donna's original post: I wonder what else she is taking?
annieschaefer shaznay96184
I googled it and found many sites where others have mentioned feeling anxiety after taking Bs. It's also mentioned that Bs can be stimulating and if one is prone to anxiety they may feel it more so than others. Thankfully, me being prone to anxiety, that was not one of the issues I met taking Bs but there are reasons it can for others. I wanted to share what I just learned first hand that may be an issue or not, for her and others as well.
There is such a condition of that gene mutation that is being recognized now that some of us don't properly absorb the folate (b9) or B12 if it's not in the Methyl form, and perhaps that might be something worth considering. Along with a few other tweaks the last few months, this one has been quite helpful for me.
We are all in the same boat but will have different things that either help us or make things feel worse. Sometimes there are logical reasons and some aren't so much. Everyone assumes that supplements and vitamins are harmless but that is so not the case really.
I rely on my doctor to guide me through this time as boy, this is no time to experiment with what may work or not, this is too challenging of a time on it's own, isn't it? I like being able to phone her if I start to feel funky after starting something new to see if it's something temporary or time to quit and move onto something else. She's pretty smart and knows my history pretty well and what reactions I may or may not have. Just knowing that there's a reasonable explanation for odd stuff is incredibly helpful.
This gene mutation thing was something so unexpected, as like so many here, I thought if I take some vitamins and supplements, everything would be fine..............ummmm well, I learned for me it takes a bit of tweaking.
Yes, for Donna it may be other meds that are also creating the anxiety but it might be worth looking at the type of vitamins and even the fillers used in making the vitamins...who knew it could get so complicated at times? lol! Oh boy!
Enjoy your weekend Shaz!
Annie xx
shaznay96184 annieschaefer
Too true: Wrong time to experiment to see what helps/hinders us at this time.
To be honest I take very little. I think I feel OK at the mo, and when I read of how much others are struggling emotionally, I have o remind myself I should be grateful!
If ever i need confirmation that my lil' combination of both I'd probs cream+Menopace is working for me, my husband said on Friday :" Waiting for your hormone cream to arrive, are you darlin'?!!" -he was right. It was delivered on Saturday.
His comment was obviously because he'd noticed I was getting a bit shi**y, ranting off about something. Me: I was totally oblivious to the fact I had!!:-)
I'll keep things simple for as long as I can. If it ain't broke.....!
A lovely weekend for you and ours too:-)
(Currently lying in bed with my lil' man (6yr old g'son:-) ), watching 'My Parents are Aliens' on TV - it don't get much better than that :-) !!)