vitamin b12 and menopause

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I was vitamin lacking a few years ago went to the doctors because I had white patches all over my back was told it was a fungi infection was also bleeding very heavy doc sent me for blood tests given hormone tablets for bleeding then when got results said that l needed            b12 injections and iron  tablets had two weeks of daily   injections which made me feel like a new women then told didn't need anymore now two years later peroids lasting up to 35 days the longest time blood clots galore more white spots tiredness weepy got bloods done normal no my own body and something not right got a gynecologist app next week does any of you lovely ladies have any tips on what to say im 48yrs many thanks xx

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi linda

    White spots as you know can be b12 deficient.. Have you had a b12 serum blood test lately ?

    Are you in Uk ? Or elsewhere..

    Like you say we know our bodies, i couldnt survive with out B 12 injections, my body needs them every 10-14 days i have Optovite B12.. 

    So many people have these especially in peri and meno it drops so much and B6 essential in my experience with my body.. Thatcher, Madonna, JFK to name a few had B12 for strength and energy.. It doesnt harm you,  Luckily i can do my own but some countries its docs only Jay xx 

    • Posted

      Hi im in the UK im going to see if l can get the test done thank you x
  • Posted

    Hi Linda... Had to write again as first reply contained a website 😒

    white spots can be a sign of B12 deficiency as you know, also heavy bleeding .. It mentions it in the list I attached..

    I am wondering if they just did a full blood count test and said all okay, and not the separate B12 serum blood test, it's not part of routine full bloods..

    I would mention this and also the white spots, say you felt tones better with b12 injections, now you don't and your white spots and heavy bleeds have returned..

    white spots mentioned below..

    B12, also called Vitamin B12 or cobalamin, deficiency is caused due to insufficient intake of dietary products or flaws with absorption in the system. If you are facing certain health problems and are unable to find the cause of the same, maybe it is one of the signs of B12 deficiency. 

    Symptoms of B12 Deficiency

    It is important to note that most of these signs of B12 deficiency can also be symptoms of some other illness. Therefore, it is imperative to confirm the actual cause. Here is the list of Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms.

    If you have an itching sensation on the edge or tip of the tongue, it is one of the signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency. Some people also experience a tingling or stinging sensation. There are others who also have pain sensation.

    White spots on the skin are one of the most commonly found B12 deficiency symptoms. These spots are normally found outside the forearm. It actually indicates absence of melatonin in that area. If this is not treated on time, the spots become raw and flaky, exposing raw skin in the process.

    Sores along the edge of the mouth are another symptom. These sores keep coming back often.

    Nagging pain below the ring finger is also a B12 deficiency symptom. If the pain is neglected, the pain can also start at the outside edge of the palm, at the wrist.

    If you have palpitations even after walking a few steps, but no chest pain is observed, it can be due to B12 deficiency.

    Eye twitching is also one of the symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency. The eye twitching generally occurs below the eye or on the eyelid. It is not painful but annoying nevertheless.

    Another sign of B12 deficiency is a tickling sensation at the back of the thighs. It usually starts at the hips and moves downwards. If not treated in time, the tickling sensation can turn into pain.

    Memory loss is severe if the deficiency aggravates. In case of a mild deficiency, memory loss is not apparent.

    Migraines can also be caused due to B12 deficiency. There are, of course, many reasons for migraines. In some cases migraines, go away after the patient has been treated for Vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Fatigue is the most common sign of B12 deficiency. At the same time let's not forget, there can be many other reasons for fatigue as well.

    Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to insomnia. Therefore, while treating insomnia, it is important to check whether Vitamin B12 deficiency has caused insomnia.

    Digestive problems are also caused by B12 deficiency. It actually creates a flaw in the absorption of vital vitamins and minerals.

    Neurological damage is also a sign of B12 deficiency.

    Many women complain of irregular menstruation, while there are others who complain of heavy bleeding. It is usually caused due to B12 deficiency. Some cases of infertility have also been observed due to the vitamin deficiency. The deficiency of Vitamin B12 can also lead to male impotence.

    Low platelet count is also caused by B12 deficiency.

    Some loss of appetite complaints can be due to the deficiency of Vitamin B12.

    Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency usually occur in vegetarians, as the primary sources of Vitamin B12 are animal and dairy products like egg, fish, meat, etc. Vegans are the people who are most prone to it. It is advisable that people who follow vegetarianism and veganism consider taking Vitamin B12 supplements to ward off the signs of vitamin deficiency.

    Jay xx


    • Posted

      Thank you very much for this l will be talking to my consultant on Thursday this site is the best learnt more from this website than anywhere else once again thamk you xx
    • Posted

      Thank you for writting this. I am so amazed  and a little upset right now that i can learn more on this site than any doctor has ever helped me. I have had all signs of b-12 deficiency for years and ive also had insomnia and am in menopause and they have just treated me like i was crazy. Thanks to people like you maybe i can finally get some relief. Thanks a million for writting this letter I am forever grateful, Heidi
  • Posted

    more info

    Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin. Since this vitamin is water-soluble, taking it in larger amounts usually doesn't cause serious side effects. However, it is best to take it as per the recommended dosage. The health benefits of this vitamin are numerous. It is essential for healthy functioning of the body. Vitamin B12 injections and supplements are therefore recommended for those who have deficiency of the vitamin.

    Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    Pernicious Anemia: Pernicious anemia occurs due to poor absorption of vitamin B12 in the intestine.

    Vegetarianism: Since vegetables and fruits are not rich in vitamin B12, strict followers of vegetarian diet can experience vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Crohn's Disease: Inflammation of intestine in Crohn's disease severely affects the gastrointestinal tract and it usually results in B12 deficiency.

    Diphyllobothrium Latum: Frequent consumption of raw or pickled fish can cause intestinal infection which in turn may result in B12 deficiency.

    Surgery: Surgical removal of some part of stomach or intestine may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. Even weight loss surgeries, fad diets can cause vitamin deficiency.

    Overdose of Medicines: Excessive consumption of antacids and other heartburn medicines over an extended period disrupts the function of the stomach and leads to digestion problems.

    Blind Loop Syndrome: Bacterial overgrowth and malabsorption of essential nutrients can result in blind loop syndrome which causes obstruction in the passage of digested material, leading to B12 deficiency.

    Atrophic Gastritis: During atrophic gastritis, chronic inflammation of the stomach mucosa leads to several health problems. The gastric glandular cells get replaced with fibrous tissues. This severely affects the secretion of essential substances like hydrochloric acid, pepsin, etc., and eventually results in several digestive problems like vitamin B12 deficiency and megaloblastic anemia.

    Symptoms of B12 Deficiency

    Pale skin


    Diarrhea and constipation

    Weak pulse rate and abnormal heartbeats

    Frequent headache



    Sore tongue, mouth, throat

    Bleeding gums

    Loss of appetite

    Weight Loss

    Numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes

    Dementia (loss of mental abilities, confusion, difficulty concentrating)

    Health Benefits of Vitamin B12 Injections

    To overcome the problems mentioned above, vitamin B12 injections need to be administered regularly. When you take the vitamin orally, only a small part is absorbed by the body. Severe deficiency of vitamin B12 can deprive the tissues and organs of the oxygen they need to survive. Eggs, fish, poultry, dairy products and especially lamb liver provide high amounts of vitamin B12. But these foods cannot help overcome severe deficiency of the vitamin and patients need to take B12 injections regularly. Patients (for example, those diagnosed with pernicious anemia) who cannot absorb the required amount of vitamin B12 from the consumed food because of affected dietary tract, require these injections to raise the level of the vitamin in the body. This is the only way for them and it really helps boost their energy levels. B12 injections of 1 - 2 mg per day are prescribed for quick adjustment of the level of the vitamin in the body. The injections help correct severe deficiencies. It has been noticed that many patients of Alzheimer's disease suffer from B12 deficiency.

    B12 promotes growth, development and proper working of the nervous system and the brain.

    It improves body metabolism.

    It is required to prevent diabetes, insomnia, allergies, osteoporosis, asthma, etc.

    B12 helps generate DNA and healthy red blood cells.

    It improves your concentration and stamina.

    It helps minimize the chances of pernicious anemia, Alzheimer's disease.

    These injections help lower the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid present in the blood. Elevated blood levels of homocysteine can affect the health of your heart and can lead to heart attacks or stroke. Studies show that B12 deficiency results in high levels of homocysteine in blood.

    Since B12 injections help improve the rate of body metabolism, taking vitamin B12 injections for weight loss is a new trend. It is believed that vitamin B12 shots lead to an increase in the energy level which allows people to do more physical activities and exercises, and that is perhaps the real reason behind weight loss.

    The scientists of Johns Hopkins University checked vitamin B12 levels in the blood serum of women with and without breast cancer. Vitamin B12 levels were lower in women with breast cancer than the women without breast cancer. But more studies are required to prove that low vitamin B12 levels increase the risk of breast cancer.

    You should inform the doctor about your routine medicines, before taking the shots. The injections may affect the absorption and impact of the antibiotic tetracycline. So, tetracycline and a B12 injection should not be taken at the same time of the day.

    Vitamin B12 overdose does not lead to any major health problems. People rarely suffer from these adverse effects. Headache, stomach upset, nausea and loss of appetite may be experienced by some people after taking vitamin B12 injections. They may experience some pain and warmth at the body part; where they have received the injections. But the benefits of B12 injections greatly outweigh the small side effects.

    Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Linda

    i hope you get on okay... Maybe just maybe you didn't have the B12 serum test, they do these so called ' full bloods' but they actually aren't, tell you all okay, but the serum B12 isn't part of full bloods..

    good luck, say it as it is Linda, make them listen ... 😃😃😃😃

    Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Linda

    For injections of vitamin B12 given in the UK, hydroxocobalamin is preferred to an alternative called cyanocobalamin. This is because hydroxocobalamin stays in the body for longer.  ( normally every 12 weeks) 

    I have cyanocobalamin hence having them more often ... I am in southern Spain, but from uk and worked in health services 😃

    good luck linda, Jay xx 

    • Posted

      Fingers crossed only got gyno app cos my daughter is a nurse who works with one and pushed for it because my own doctor refused to refer me at first x

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