vitamin b6, b12 for the perimenopause
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Hi ladies, I have been reading all ur great info about the perimenopause, I have been suffering quietly for the last 6 months. Memory loss, feeling very low not my usual happy person.lm guessing I am perimenopausal. The insomnia and bloating are terrible at the moment but all the good info on here I thort I would try vitamin b6,12 I went to buy them today an i noticed it had FOOD SUPPLEMENT I am a bit worried that they mite make my bloating worst?
I would love to feel human again, like my normal happy self.
Help ladies.
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kim94523 tjhaden
I thort I was alone feeling like this at 47 !!
wasnt sure what FOOD SUPPLEMENT meant, I thort if I was to take them with my normal diet it mite add to my calorie in take.i want to loss the bloat not add to
kim94523 tjhaden
tjhaden kim94523
The bloating is driving me nuts as I love my exercise, running 5 days a week an a few classes it helps keep the stress away! Some days/weeks I am my normal size 12 an other days/weeks, even after all the exercise I am that bloated im a size 14 ! I have clothes of many sizes !! Lol.
as u say some times im full of the joys of spring an other daysni dont want to talk to anyone, get out of bed or just want to slouch on the couch an watch rubbish tv, this is very unlike me as I like to get out an about.thats also with crying at the slightest thing, embarrassing sometimes! Being angry with the world is not me.
My diet is good thru the week, with treats at the weekend. I love brown bread an cheese.i thort it may have been the brown bread making me bloated gave it up in exchange for white but heard that wod prob make it didn't make any difference so back to the yummy
this site is helping alot, someone to chat to that understands what ur feeling. My hubby is great an trys to understand, bless him.he just stays out if my way. Lol.i really dont want to go to the doctor as I no what it is now.i would if it gets that bad.
today its lovely an sunny thats put a smile on my face . I've taken my b6, b12 shortly im hoping it kicks in soon.feeling bloated already an I've only had a cuppa!!!!!!! ARHHH
shaznay96184 kim94523
Totally with you on the gluten/wheat-thing. When my resolve is good I cut right back on bread, pasta, even spuds (not such a great carb, but I've been bought up on them as a staple of all our meals: filled us kids up!!).
My biggest weakness is......crisps (prob. Potato Chips or you!). But when I'm feeling totally crap, I cut bread/spuds/crisps/diet coke out completely. Sometimes makes for interesting viewing: I'm almost lie a junkie going cold turkey without a bag of crisps!
TJH - I'd take the B vits either standalone or like many of us do, as part of a good multi vitamin combined. I take Menopace Original and think its my savour!
Topping up my Magnesium for, amongst other things, its laxative benefits!!!
TJH - Kim's right - keep yourself 'regular'. Watch you intake of gas-producing foods and maybe some probioic yogurt might help too! (Blimey if only I could follow my own advice - got another period and am back on the crisps gggrrrrrrr!!!!)
Good Luck - Sxx
tjhaden shaznay96184
I tried probotic drink/yogurt it didn't seem to help.
ive brought sum vit b6,12 and magnesium for the night . Holland and Barrett have done well out of me this week !!! Fingers crossed it'll all help.
Shaz u made me laugh with ur last
thanks girl's . I'll keep u posted.
tracie x
kim94523 shaznay96184
tjhaden kim94523
shaz, crisps for me to. I am a savory girl an not a sweet eater especially that time of the month, whenever thst is these days !!
love these chats.keeping a smile on my face x
shaznay96184 kim94523
Seriously now. Its the right thing to do. I adore cheese as its really my only form of dairy and probably main source of calcium
( cut out milk etc from age 13 - a constantly green snotty nose
ain't a good look at any age, let alone 13!)
I'm gonna start a new discussion "Who wants to join our Peri/
Meno Slimming Club?".
'There'll be no fee, no group weigh-in's, and probably no weight
loss. But hey, you can have a good moan/gripe about the
injustice of adding weight gain to an already colossal list of crap symptoms we already have to endure!! Oh, and of course, you'll be among good friends who'll know exactly what you're going
I'll be the first member :-) !!
Total sympathy for you Kim, but I believe raised cholesterol is yet another symptom of this bloody Curse gggrrrrr!
tjhaden shaznay96184
I'll be the second member, sounds good to me.
Not sure I could do without milk in my tea but I could try the rest
tracie x
susan21149 kim94523
I can't even eat cheese because it goes right through me plus I am diabetic my sugars have been pretty good I am on metformin one in the morning and two at night.
Dieting is good just cut down on your portions and get some exercise in and do not eat anything sweet.
kim94523 shaznay96184
debbie03785 tjhaden
tjhaden debbie03785
No haven't been to the doctor, thort id be wasting there time thinking its just to do with perimenopause.
debbie03785 tjhaden
tjhaden debbie03785
2nd day of taking vit b's today.onwards an upwards.
Am going to see how the vits go an if not any improvements I will go to the doctor.not a big fan of the
its a good idea with the list u mention. Am thinking of writing a small diary of whats going on, what improves an what doesn't .what im taking etc.
thanks for the advice .
tracie x