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I am extreamly tired,2months back i was having same symptoms like extream fatigue,dizziness,muscle weekness,body pains,then i was dianonized as deficient of vitamin d and B12.i treated for that and became normal.And again i am feeling very weak and had a test for Vitamin D Again.Again i am having levels as 22 only.I am totally exhausted and terribly weak.I need to check my b12 levels also.i dont understand why these levels going low again and again

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so awful again. Do you get outside for some sunshine? That can really help with Vit D. Try to get out around midday with no sunscreen for 20 mins or so. Also check out the foods you need to be eating to supplement these vitamins. Did the Dr give you any reason for it being so low again? Xx
  • Posted

    I agree with 4mooma28. You need to get outside and get your vitamin D from the sun. Your body makes vit D when the sun hits your skin and eyes. Best way is through eyes so no sun glasses. You need to build up your store of vit D kept in the body. Your body needs Vit D for alot of things so it uses up. Also just in case you are low on B12 again, your body does not store any type of Vit B. So you have to keep it up through food/vitamins. B12 (B vitamins) is water soluble meaning it goes out through water meaning you pee it out.
  • Posted

    I agree with Cassandra. You MUST go outside and sit in the sunshine. Quite honestly there is no reason why you cannot UP your Vitamin D by yourself. If you are sitting indoors in front of TV complaining about your low content of Vits D and B, then there is nothing can be done to help you if you don't help yourself to  FREE SUNSHINE! Why don't you have marmite for breakfast? Or put a spoon of bovril in your soup? I have to be careful of sun because of potential cancerous face problems but I put on a little pink cap and sit in the sunshine whenever I can. Even just exposing your legs will aid. I dropped myself to a reading of only 29 and my doctor rang me on my mobile in person and said to get out into the sunshine and go immediately to a clinic and get a drink of Vitamin D. Now I am passing on to you how urgent it is that you get some Vitamin D into your system. Clearly a doctor himself calling a patient is enough to show its urgency? I drove to the clinic and drank Vitamin D and began taking it daily from then on. I am still taking it. Just take care it does not contain ethanol 60% IF you are on morphine patched or Tramadol for pain. There is an oil based Vitamin D on the market now and I highly recommend it because it is quite tasteless and excellent. Take ten drops daily or 77 drops once a week. But DO IT WITHOUT WAITING ANY LONGER. Your own body is telling you it needs that vitamin urgently. Don't ignore it!
  • Posted

    I am recenty diagnosed with low vit d level 17, after 3 years of symptoms as you describe, as well as chest pains and brain fog. I wore high sun screen all the time which doesn't help with making vit d in the sun, had terrible bone problems in my feet and could hardly weight bear because of this not being diagnosed by my old GP. I moved area and my new GP got me tested and first advised me to take 800, but  after 6 weeks I still felt ill. I read the usa vit D council website- very helpful. My GP has now given me a loading dose of 40,000 units a week in two 20,000 capsules for the next 7 weeks. I am off work for three months as I am exhausted and intend to get out in the sun and then have a other blood test. I will let everyone know if I improve. I aim to get to a good level of 50-70 before the winter in the Uk. You must supplement and get in the sun without sunscreen. people with darker skins, and heavier weight need more vit d supplements. Vit d council site advises 1000units for everyone 25ib of body weight. It is good to take calcium and magnesium with the vit d too. Lots of symptoms can be attributed to low Vit D and get misdiagnosed as fibromyalgea, chronic fatigue, depression. Good Luck!
  • Posted

    Hi all,

    I am back again ,i have taken vitamin d suppliments and now my level raised to 61.

    but i dont know why still i am feeling un balanced,difficulty while walking,muscle weakness  ,nerve pain sometimes.

    I need to walk because i am gaining weight as i am staying at home without exercise,

    Did any 1 facing the same issues as i am?

  • Posted

    Hi Parvin

    Ive got similar problems, I've hit 35 and feel so exhausted, Just about get out of bed even though having 10 hours sleep.

    Doctors Just gave me some Vit D caps and I bought some multivitamins from Holland & Barrets like ABC & B-100

    (In order to work you have to have food)

    I have now changed my diet to try to eat on time and properly (as sometimes I have 1 meal a day)

    I also feel I lacked magnesuim, potassium, calcium so for this im taking moringa capsules and having Banana milk shakes.

    Have to try this for at least few months to get a result.

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