Vitamin D deficiency and Fibro
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I just wondered whether any of you were diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency at some point along your fibro journey?
When I was being tested this time last year one of the things that was noted was how severely deficient I was in Vit D.
No surprise really, I think most of the country suffers, but with it effecting joints and bones my Rheumatologist said it was important to manage.
I was put on a 4 month heavy dose to boost my levels and then a maintenance tablet to last me until summer. My GP thought by summer the sunlight levels would be high enough to get the vitamin without supplement.
We're now back in January and its no better than it was originally but this time it hasn't been suggested its managed!
Are any of you on a permanent maintenance dose?
Do you self manage this with off the shelf vitamins or get the prescribed ones (which seem to be bigger in dose).
Do you see a benefit pain / joint wise or is it still masked by your fibro and other health conditions?
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Carinaeta clurbur
clurbur Carinaeta
I think there is a certain element of cost cutting with me not having a summer dose!
I'm thinking it's got to be better for your wellbeing just to take it everyday than be up and down so dramatically.
I haven't suffered with any colds or infectons since I gave up work so my cure for that isn't vitamins it's staying away from germy people lol.
sha1271 clurbur
clurbur sha1271
I shall have a look into the other vitamins as it might just be better to go down the multi route instead of selecting what and when I think I need more than D3.
gillian81509 sha1271
tramadol is keeping at bay
sha1271 gillian81509
Anyway sorry for going on and on. I do hope that I start noticing improvement once my vitamin levels get higher.
I hope we all start feeling better soo..
anne90395 sha1271
Just wondered why you haven't had the op to cure your carpal tunnel syndrome. I did many years ago and it was 100% effective cure.
Take care, Anne
sha1271 anne90395
It's never been brought up as an option. They just send me home with wrist braces to wear. Idk if they don't feel its severe enough or because of my insurance.
tiswas24537 sha1271
and try doing some hand excersises to stretch the tendons
look for alternatives for treating carpals tunnel there are several with could results . magneisum oil is the only one i can think of .
good luck
anne90395 sha1271
Sorry to hear that, in Uk if you have it, you need the op, only way. Hope you can convince/persuade that is what you need to do. Good luck
Take care, Anne
fibrohk clurbur
clurbur fibrohk
Her bloods showed low levels of Vit D n she started treatment and within days felt so much better, toddler cuddles were no longer an issue!
She couldn't believe something so small had made such a big difference!
tiswas24537 clurbur
and i was told that i was vit d deficant
he told me to get my own because they dont prescrib the right kind
you need vit d 3 . thats only what my GP told me the pain did reduce in my toes
christine26761 tiswas24537
gillian81509 clurbur