Vitamin deficiency the cause?
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okay so for the past 6 years my periods started becoming an issue....i would feel nauseated and have intense mood issues. As the years dragged on my estrogen and progrsterone began to drop, periods became irratic, i would suffer from loss of taste, loss of appetite, nausea & vomiting, sleep issues, anxiety, hot flashes, and huge weight loss even if i ate! I had tests done everything was fine except dropping female hormones but i never had my vitamin levels checked (my diet us terrible...high processed foods and rarely veges or fruits). So for the past 2 years ive only had maybe 3 periods very far apart and intense loss of appetite, nausea and weight loss, along with taste issues and mood swings. i am only 42 years old so its too early for menopause, but i finally had my vitamin b and d levels checked, they are question is has anyone noticed feeling better once their low vitamins have been treated? The dr said those low vitamins can cause all those symptoms i have even the loss of my menstrual cycle! I have suffered for so long it will be a miracle if it was low vitamins all along and i can feel just a little better once the issue is taken care of!
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kelly55079 Guest
Yes Vit D is so important.. When they started saying that if you can only take one vitamin, that's the one to take-- I started taking extra at night. My multi has it but I wanted to make sure I had enough. My level seems to be in the 'normal' range. My multi has vit B but I started taking extra too because that is another important one-- I especially need help with anxiety And for whatever reason some don't absorb B so there is a monthly shot to take. I think I do feel better. I remember a few bouts of fatigue where I was weak and sleeping a lot-- Now I don't need daily naps.
Guest kelly55079
Thanks for the reply! I am looking for anyone who has some experience with this cause it at least gives me some hope that i may feel a little better eventually. Its crazy how lack if vitamins can make you so sick!
Rainbow976 Guest
Hi Brandy,
I am 43 and my initial symptoms started out like yours around 40. Nausea, couldn't eat, internal jitters, slow digestion, etc.
I lost a lot of weight at that time and looked into Candida, stomach parasite, etc. as a cause until I learned about perimenopause.
A naturopath started me on digestive enzymes and probiotics, which helped tremendously with being able to eat. The stomach is linked with the nervous system, no surprise it goes haywire as our body starts to change hormone levels.
I also have been low in Vit. D and supplement 5000 mg for over a year now, it's still low.My symptoms have changed and progressed to the point I am again unsure if it's truly perimenopause. I feel we are quite young for all this.
On a side note, I am not sure how much weight you lost but it could be contributing to the lack of periods. Anorexic women stop menstruating often, that could be the case for you even though you are not doing it on purpose.
Best of luck, I wish I could say vitamin supplements have been helpful but I don't know.
Guest Rainbow976
I wonder if its my weight loss cause ive lost 20 lbs and i was already small. My bmi is 17 so it still isnt considered dangerous....yet. But yes i agree this is BS! Ive tried the probiotic route and it didnt help with the nausea and loss of appetite. This is horrible and torture! I pray for the day i can eat normal again, i love food and miss it! My stomach and gut are always gurgling and groaning no matter what i eat. I deal with gassiness and constipation too but never diarrhea. It just sucks im over this i feel like its going to kill me 😦
Rainbow976 Guest
I didn't have diarrhea either, constipation and massive bloating. Maybe research digestive enzymes...the brand I used was known to be of higher quality, initials P E. If you are low in those, when you eat it can't get processed and move through the system. Also if you are on acid blockers, maybe ween off them. Gastroenterologist had me on them and it made everything worse, we need the acid to break down food.
My cycle changed to every 21 days and stayed that way when I lost all the weight so who knows about any of it. After about 1.5-2 years my weight went back to normal. After quitting smoking though I am now a few pounds overweight lol.
mrs_susan74280 Rainbow976
what digestive enzymes are you on please,and probioticis
Rainbow976 mrs_susan74280
I am not on them anymore , my digestion calmed down either with the supplements or with time as 1 symptom resolves with new ones starting. If i say the name the post will be blocked.
Initials are P E, try searching digestive enzymes p on the mass delivery site.
nancys21 Guest
At 43 this is what I experienced also. Lost a lot of weight. Constipated, etc. My vitamin B12 and D were low. As time went on, and menopause was closer, I gained weight and had diarrhea. Even vomited and just felt awful. At 51 and no period for over 2 years, it is much better. I too was always small and thin. Not saying I'm pleased with my body now, but it does get easier. Peri was hell for me and lasted about 7 years. My vitamin levels are good now. Just want to offer you some hope. In my experience, menopause is WAY better. Just have to start exercising again and watching what I eat.
Guest nancys21
I pray im like you then and once i hit menopause things will get better. Peri for me is absolutely awful. I feel like i have been going through this forever already and its only been 6 years since the symptoms began.
patti56271 Guest
Vitamin deficiency could be part of a big picture, but again like the post above it is hard to determine if it can resolve everything.
I too take a multivitamin and magnesium, glucosamine and chondroitin for my joints and a probiotic. Try to eat healthy anti inflammatory foods but there are days when I cannot get out of bed
However, my aunt who is 65 had a lot of nerve pain which went away when she increased her vitamin B12 intake through supplements
If your vitamin levels are low a doctor will definitely recommend supplements and you should try it to see if it makes a difference