Vitamin dosages

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As far as the B supplements, what is the most effective combination of B-12. B-6 and so forth?

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello katzenbunz. I suppose it depends what you are wanting to take the vitamins for. Could you elaborate?
  • Posted

    I've read different things about what the B supplements can do. I suppose I'm most interested in something that helps restore energy and takes away the jittery stuff. I don't know if it will help with the general aches and pains, becuase I think those are more stress and sleep disturbance related. So, I guess mostly for energy and clearer thinking.
    • Posted

      Hi dear. There are multi vitamins too I take and it states on the bottle 'for energy' and there are those energy drinks Ensure which really gives me a boost and are just for general good health.  The kind that states 'High Protein' is the best and tastes good. Chocolate flavour is great. I take them in the morning to get me started for the day. Hope all is well 😀
    • Posted

      Hi Katz

      i take vit B6 and B12 ..

      i take 150mg B6 daily and it helled me no end .. as explained earlier on a different post on here 

      as we most likely lack B6 and B12 in peri and post meno and it really helps.. and has helped me alot .

      my brain fog, anxiety etc just went ..

      even my Doc prescribed B6 in my early peri for helping the symptoms ..

      100mg daily of B6 is most beneficial for all peri and post meno symptoms, 

      B12 boosts energy ..  the higher the MCG the better ..

      100mg B6 can be purchased  seperately .. or

      it can also be bought in a B complex mix..

      like Mega B 100  complex time release from holland and barrett

      or Busy B .. check they contain 100mg B6 

      both those do..

      jay x


    • Posted

      Hi Jay! 💓 as you know I'm on B6 and started B12 just over a week ago but it says on bottle  it's 10ug take one a day is that enough? Hugs to you lovely xx
    • Posted

      Hi Trevis 

      how are you 😃

      no.. 10 ug (mcg) is the lowest ever ..

      the higher the ug ( mcg ) the better 

      what mg is your B6 .. I take 150mg but 100mg is also good.

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay.... 😃 you are such a treasure getting back to me so quickly thank you so so much 💞 I am on Vit B6 100 mg daily. The B12 confuses me! What is 5000 mcg ?? Our bottles say ug! So not sure what amount is too much or too little and also can too much do harm in the B12?  Internet UK says 10 ug suffices!!! Help! Xx
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      There are 1,000 micrograms (mcg) in 1 milligram (mg)

      B12 is always mcg or ug ( mcg and ug are same thing ) 

      jay x


    • Posted

      5000mcg or 10 ug?? Why do they recommend 10ug if it's possibld go take 5000 mcg that is such a huge difference!  Is it possible to take too much and cause harm in the B12 Jay?  I'm am on 50 mg Sertaline a day since last October.  I'm doing ok for now..... Shhhhh!!! Lol xxx. Ps how are you doing? 💓
    • Posted

      5000mcg is same as 5000ug = 5mg 

      why they recommend 10 ug or 10 mcg i dont know.. Thats usually a minimal amount they put in complexes or multi vits .. For general use for everyone.

      you cannot overdose on B12 as what you dont need you pass in urine,

      when in peri or post meno B12 is a very good supplement for energy ..

      Some women lack B6 and B12 in meno phase .. 

      jay x

    • Posted

      For a woman going through perimenopause, B-vitamins can be essential for effectively managing symptoms.   

      Adrenal fatigue, for example, is a common secondary condition for many women going through perimenopause.

      B-vitamins support healthy adrenal function, along with calming and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Many women also suffer with mood swings during perimenopause.

      Both B12 and B6 vitamins aid in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, a key brain chemical needed to stabilize moods and promote feelings of wellness and contentment.

      For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.

      Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause. All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.

      Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.

    • Posted

      Thank you Jay! I will go to health shop and buy what you have suggested many thanks again. 💓 I hope you are well lovely xx
  • Posted

    I think b12 has helped me tremendously with loss of appetite and weight loss. Since my peri symptoms have intensified, I lost about 15lbs in about a year and a half time. I go through periods where I have little no appetite and as a result lost that weight. But increasing my b12 intake has increased my appetite and I have gained about 3-4 pounds. Hope this helps.

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