Vitamin E Benefits for Peri / Menopause

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Enter a New Age With Ease

Sail Through Menopause With a Little B and E

One of the most important factors to consider is vitamin E.

Research has shown that for 50 to 75 percent of women, vitamin E is the most practical and effective treatment for uncomfortable signs of menopause, especially hot flashes, but including nervousness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness and insomnia. Vitamin E contains small amounts of estrogen and is essential for the proper functioning of the blood and for the production of estrogen, which may explain why it helps decrease or eliminate hot flashes.

Vitamin E has the ability to relieve vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. It also enhances oxygen utilization in the body and stimulates immunity against cancer of the cervix, breasts, lungs, skin, digestive tract and rectum, which alone are sufficient reasons to use it.

The preferable formulation is the natural form of vitamin E, the d'alpha-tocopherol type, as this is at least 36 per cent more biologically potent than synthetic E (called dl-alpha).

Dr Leslie Packer, a professor of molecular biology at the University of California, states that synthetic E contains only one-eighth the amount of alpha-toco-pherol as natural vitamin E.

When taking vitamin E, start with 200 to 400 IU daily and then gradually increase the dosage to 800 IU; 1,200 IU or 1,600 IU daily. It may take two to six weeks before you notice a difference, so give it time to work.

Many doctors now recommend eliminating caffeine from your diet and taking 800 IU of vitamin E daily to reduce the condition known as fibrocystic breasts.

Taking selenium, 200 meg daily, along with the vitamin E may enhance its effect on decreasing breast lumpiness. Another study stated that vitamin E, taken in doses of 100 IU or more a day, reduced heart disease by up to 66 percent.

Vitamin E is found most abundantly in unprocessed vegetable oils, including sunflower, safflower, soybean and corn oil, nuts and seeds, leafy green vegetables, dried beans, whole grain cereals and breads and toasted wheat germ as well as in some fruits.

Vitamin B's...  Consider The  Mega B 100mg time realease capsule which includes 100mg B6 etc in the complex capsule..

The vitamins that make up the B complex play a key role in maintaining health during the menopausal years. They are necessary for strong adrenal glands, a healthy nervous system and the conversion of carbohydrates into the glucose we need for energy.

Vitamin B, keeps the mucous membranes healthy, including those of the vagina. It is also an antioxidant, especially in collaboration with vitamin C.

It helps alleviate memory loss, decreases sensitivity to noise, improves concentration, relieves depression and corrects loss of appetite.

Good sources of Bx are whole cereals, beans, potatoes and nuts.

B2 is responsible for the release and activity of a variety of hormones, including estrogen.

It also helps keep skin, nails and hair healthy. Good sources of B2 are milk and eggs.

B12 lifts depression, reduces anxiety, helps decrease mood swings and eliminates fatigue. Vegetarian sources containing significant amounts of B12 include several seaweeds such as arame, wakame and nori, as well as pickles, sauerkraut, tempeh, tamari, miso and B12-enriched soy products. Animal-derived sources include eggs, milk and fish. Food supplements rich in B12 are blue green algae, chlorella, barley green and spirulina.

B6 (pyridoxine) is a natural diuretic which is effective in reducing water retention. It is useful to reduce bloating that can appear before your period. It helps prevent depression and promotes calm moods and restful sleep. It also interacts with estrogen in the body. This vitamin is found in most foods and a deficiency is fairly rare, however hormone therapy can deplete the body's levels of B6 and decreased levels can lead to depression.

Niacin (vitamin B3) helps with the body's production of estrogen and other sex hormones. It reduces blood cholesterol, dilates blood vessels and is sometimes prescribed to prevent premenstrual headaches. It may improve insomnia, nervousness, confusion, anxiety, memory loss, irritability, apathy and depression.

If you're using B vitamins to help prevent hot flashes, be sure to use the form of niacin called niacinamide. Other forms of niacin dilate the blood vessels, which can cause flushing and worsen hot flashes, rather than relieve them.

Folic acid helps the body manufacture and use estrogen. It helps reduce forgetfulness, soothe irritability, correct insomnia and promotes the formation of healthy red blood cells, which is why a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to anemia. It may help prevent precancerous changes in the cervix. A deficiency of folic acid has been associated with depression. Sources of folic acid include green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans and peas.


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow jay brilliant info especially the in depth stuff about each vitamin two more to add to my list. You are reading done great stuff us this off the internet or from a book? 
  • Posted

    Hi Liz

    i research all the time about remedies etc etc.. I find alsorts via internet by professors etc, i normally trial and test myself but only as an individual as we are all different , I have such intense hot flushes it a nightmare.. and oral E may just help ..

    B6 vits are excellent and for me my anxiety went as quick as it came ..

    a good all round B Complex would be the better option as it contains so many others.

    i an now trying the most gentle of the estrogens we have 3.

    Estriol ( Ovestin) I will log all my experience day by day then share the outcome ... ie vaginal atrpohy ( dryness) after a 9 - 10 year natural menopause and increased dryness and increased ( returned) hot flushes now menopause is reached.. 

    i dont intend to take the recommended dose of Ovestin, i am using only half the cream and not daily, but every three days to start my opinion on it..

    Jay xx  


    • Posted

      Hi jay we are similar ten years of hot flushes etc then they subsided but now back with a vengeance !!! Goes great with irange and red clothing neon hot  look!!! I too research and use me as a guinea pig the but e and coconut inserts worked well twice I used half then this time I used whole ones and was irritated and itchy inside if that makes sense . I'm trying sea buckthorn as that increases mucus in body and bits also vitamin e will also post results. Good luck on cream I only tried ovestin and one vagifem ( never ever using those again side effects frightened me to death) my body doesent like hrt stuff!!! X
    • Posted

      Hi Liz

      re: hot flushes i never had any for years, only in early peri..

       now i reached meno .. just... they have just come back out the blue..

      but... it may be intensified for me by the very hot spanish summer temps..

      so we shall see.. ' hot flush being the cool down way and all that' 

      yes ... I said I would never ever take HRT .. and never will orally..

      ie: family history etc..

      after my gyno scans last week etc.. and the vaginal atrophy being discussed etc ...

      of the three oestrogens we have estrone, estradiol, and estriol.

      estriol is the gentle aid... and its the one post meno ladies may benefit from for vaginal atrophy, urinery sensitivity, etc..

      Estriol Ovestin used carefully ... is supposedly not thought to affect the ueterine wall and may even be beneficial for the breast.. and bone health.

      did you physically suffer side effects or was it the side effect that you read about ..

      vagifem i would never use personally as it is estradiol not estriol ...

      i neither would never use that one ( estradiol) 

      i just dont fancy coconut oil ... i am the most sensitive person ever down there, always femfresh PH wash etc etc.. have to check pool PH daily and chlorine levels or it sets me off.. 😳

      have a great day liz

      jay jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi jay jay yes I got physical symptoms from ovestin the soreness it was supposed to alleviate it just didn't and after four months I stopped and the soreness improved. I think my system doesent like fake hormones I had similar when they tried a patch on me. I'm not convinced with coconut oil either so will try vitamin e on its own. But off to acupuncture tomorrow will post any results. X
    • Posted

      Hi Liz 😃

      oh i see... Thanks for sharing your experience..

      Well i only intend to try this ovestin estriol to a minimum..

      as i am full meno i don't want to shock the body, especially vaginally, So, i intend to use only half the plunger every three days for a short term.. Basically slowly slowly test it ..

      i have some Premeno Duo ovules winging there way... ( non hormonal ) aswell to try.  For vaginal dryness plus duo action for dry itch type feelings.

      from stress no more uk web

      hope accupunture goes well for you 😃

      take care

      jay xx


  • Posted

    premeno duo ovules for menopause vaginal atrophy ( dryness and feelings of thrush)

    information ...

    these can be purchased via stress no more uk web

    3 x 10 ovules boxes for approx £20 free uk ship..

    amazon uk much more expensive staggering £16 a box ..

    Why Use Premeno Duo

    In damaged vaginal epithelium Premeno Duo supports the healing processes. It reduces the risk of tears caused by mechanical effects, which can cause the development of bacterial infections.

    Premeno Duo restores the vaginal-pH to the natural level of 3.8 to 4.5 and thus decreases the risk of infection. The active substances are biocompatible which provide a very low risk of side effects.

    Regular use ensures adequate vaginal moistness is always maintained, Improves the defence against vaginal infections including the preventive treatment of colpitis and vaginal mycosis (fungal infection of the vagina). It can also improve sexual sensation.

    Premeno Duo “It’s All Natural”

    Each vaginal ovule contains 5 mg Hyaluronic Acid. The other ingredients are: Lactic Acid, Sodium Lactate, Fats, Ceteareth, Beeswax, Sorbitan, Monostearate and Macro­gols. Premeno®Duo contains no synthetic preservatives and has no odour or taste.

    Hyaluronic Acid, which is mainly responsible for the moisture and elasticity of the skin (mucous membranes). It also plays a vital part in the healing processes and tissue repair. Studies also show that it inhibits the growth of Candida Albicans.

  • Posted

    Hi Jayneejay. Sorry to hear of your problems.sad . Thanks again for all the info. I am still taking these plus magnesium combined with calcium and zinc. I just realised that the liquid has high content sucrose, and I dont think I need calcium, but it is proving difficult to find magnesium pills that are not huge. I can only swallow small pills. Just wondering if anyone in the UK know of small ones I can get. I'm sure you are finding the heat difficult. I have been keeping an eye on temp and it has been so hot and sunny where you are. BUT according to all the evidence I have been reading, there are so many advantages of living in a place with high sunshine levels! I hope you find the estrogen helpful. Its a shame you have to take it but maybe you wont have to take it for too long Since I started multi vits and extra B vits and magnesium I hardly ever get heats, but Im not sure which one helped, and I'm not willing to stop any to find out! Warm regards, Anne xx
    • Posted

      Hi anne 😃

      nice to hear from you.... Glad your doing well..

      hahahaha forget the spain temps on website its always wrong, add another 5 plus degrees to that.. We laugh about it on accuweather app.

      i love the weather and even winter is warm, no coat required 😃

      just seems to be affecting me at the moment.. But you learn to cope..

      just moan more 😊

      i only had the flushes return 4 months ish ago... Hadnt had one for years..

      so its maybe the heat plus full meno reached combination..

      thank goodness for AC 😃

      nice in pool though soo cooling and comfortable ..

      just trying the estriol very gingerly... and see what happens, If nothing then will stop .. Not keen really but we will see.  Even if it just helps short term.

      failing that i will try the Vit E for flushes on its way and the premeno duos.

      i ordered zinc but wont be using it ... It reduces oestrogen ... So not ideal for me right now.. 😩

      take care ... Jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi anne

      magnesium .... Try an effervescant  magnesium ...  If youncant find small tablets, Thats what i take, i drop in water each night before bed... Usually orange or lemon flavour.. 

      I use to take a calcium and magnesium but changed to natecal calcium and vit D... So now take effervescant magnesium 

      Jay xx


  • Posted

    Thanks for info re zinc and Magnesium, you are so helpful. x

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