Vitamin Therapy and Perimenopause

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Hello all,

I wanted to share my positive experience with vitamin therapy, which helped control many of my perimenopausal symptoms. 

I have been in perimenopause for many years and it almost drove me mad. I was experiencing 30-plus symptoms. sad I have tried herbs, flower essences, Premarin and Bio-identical HRT, but simply could not get stable. My new dr started me on Prempro and within a few weeks, I immediately began to feel much better.

She suggested that I try vitamin therapy as well to supplement the Prempro and I must say that I have experienced great success.

I will outline the vitamins, doses and which symptoms they help alleviate:

Magnesium: 400 mg at night: increases energy, lowers anxiety, contributes to heart health

Vitamin A: up to 5000 IU per day: Helps prevent vaginal infections, uti's and helps restore skin

Vitamin E: 400 IU a.m., afternoon and p.m.: Helps with moodiness, lowers anxiety and slows effects of aging

Vitamin C: 1000 mg 3x per day:  decreases intensity and frequency of hot flashes. Helps ease anxiety. Helps with adrenal health, tension, insomnia. Helps with depression.

B12: 500 mcg 2x per day: Helps with stress, tension, irritability, anxiety and improves concentration. Helps with depression.

B6: 100 mg: Helps with mood stabilization

Folate (folic acid): 800 mcg: Helps with hot flashes & depression.

Biotin: 300 mcg: Helps with hair loss.

I hope this helps. smile 


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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Well I'm willing to try anything so I've made a list and going to get my dr to look at it. I take a high strength menopausal vitamin already, vit B complex, vit D, evening primrose oil and valerian. I have hrt but not working very well so being swapped to patches to try them. In UK BHRT is uncommon and can only be prescribed by an endocrine consultant so may need a trip to London to try that or will have a go at contraceptive pill or morning after pill to try and normalise things. But will certainly try the other things you have suggested. Keep well XXX

  • Posted


    Thank you for your lovely list. I have had herendous problems with tablets including HRT / all of them give me rashes on my face and some cause me breathing problems. 

    Anyway I went to Holland and BARRETT AND THEY RECOMMENDED red clover isofkavibs and vitamin B WHICH I AM TAKING TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I AM Alive. 

    But there are still days when my concentration is so bad my head hurts and I ferl like I can’t cope. I will try and add magnesium to my diet and see if it helps. 

    Thank you . 

    • Posted

      If you cant tolerate hrt ask about the combined contraceptive pill or morning after pill. Both of those help some ladies who cant take or tolerate hrt. XXX
    • Posted

      Hi Tina

      Thanks but am to scared to take anything. The last lot of tablets put me in hospital with breathing issues. 

      The herbal remedy from Holland and Barrett seems to be working at the mo so fingers crossed will carry on taking that. 

      My doctors not sure what to prescribe me also as i’m Allergic to everything they have given me with for very serious side effects . 

      Not really sure who to turn to . 

    • Posted

      Get them to send you to an endocrine specialist who can also organise full allergy testing for you and then they will be able to find something for you that you wont have a bad reaction to. Remember 90% of allergies are hormone related issues and an endocrine clinic will be able to sort out all of it. I also want to reassure you that all this is just our minds playing tricks and our bodies throwing a tantrum over lack of one or more hormones. Get to the ones who can really help as you sound like you are struggling badly. Try to keep your chin up hun it wont last forever! XXX
    • Posted

      Hi there, I can completely relate to how you feel with the concentration issues-I am doing a lot better, but I still have days where my concentration, focus and memory are horrible. i will check out the red clover isoflavones!
    • Posted

      I had to giggle at your comment, "our bodies throwing a tantrum over lack of one or more hormones!" Hahaa, I will have to use that line-assuming I can remember to do so! :D

    • Posted


      Yeah try it. I’be had a really crap week one thing after another and an awful day at work. Just felt like I couldn’t add 1 and 1 together and the more I tried the more my brain just shut off. 

      Had to walk away and will tackle the issue on Monday. 

      Do you ever feel like you can’t reverse your thought pattern or your brain is just full of nothing ! 

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