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Although my GP doesn't believe perimenopause exists until you have not had a period for several months I'm sure I have entered that 'special time'!! I'm only 37 but my mum went through it at an early age. I have joint pain, spots on jaw, chin and neck (never had before) odd periods sometimes only two days, anxiety, depression, bloating, pain, worsening ibs, no libido.....the lists go on! I have blood test, all clear and also recently a scan on ovaries, also ok.
My questions would be, do you agree? What can I do about it all?!! I have just brought Vit b complex from boots as read that can be good? I tried maca previously but felt it contributed to weight gain.
Should I try Vit E?
My go agrees my 'problem' is hormonal and wants me to have the merina cool, but I'm not keen.
Sorry for so many questions but I am struggling to function 😟
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notsure47790 chloe44713
I agree. You sound just like me. Same here and my mom had it early.I am 35. I have many symptoms just like u and doctors say I have regular periods than it is not peri or meno
I tried some vit but cannot say which one helps. I am starting birth control see if i feel better.
I believe that we have the right to look for answers and try to find a way to feel better. I hope u feel better soon.
Sochima822 chloe44713
Vitamin E helps with hot flashes. If you have them then yes. Vitamin D3 is essentially one that is highly recommended to take, and vitamin c. There's also progesterone cream you can buy otc. Hope this helps
bobbysgirl chloe44713
Doctors - what do THEY know?!
When you say your blood test was 'all clear', what does that mean? What do your hormone levels show? My doc wanted me to have the coil too but it was pointless (and can come with it's own problems)
I avoid the big 'brand name' vitamins - most are pretty rubbish, and take seperate vits and mins. The ones I would not do without are Vits D3, C, and B3 and Magnesium. Since I cut out sugar, cut back on bread and started eating more fresh veg, nuts and seeds I have lost almost 2 stone (since February) Flax seeds are full of omega 3 and help keep you 'regular'. If you are getting hot flushes sage leaf might help.
I also suffer from joint pain and have found that devil's claw helps a little as do massages with essential oils, frankincense, ginger, myrrh and lavender.
I generally feel a lot better in myself - but the joint pains are still just that - PAINS!
rachel333 chloe44713
Hey Chloe , dont panic , Ive been there too .. 38 I started , hot flushes and heavy periods . A lady at work , older than me said Isoflavones...
They calmed everything down x
Me, my flushes and periods.
look them up , they work for me and my frineds ,
A herb- & a calm
ive not took anything else , herbal for the last 10 years x good luck
Thank you all so much for your replies, I will look into all your suggestions.
My GP said my hormones are up and down anyway so bloods can't be analysed for this??!!!
rachel333 chloe44713
tamie49331 chloe44713
I am going through perimenopause and let me tell you know one gives you all the right information and your dr. attitude was inappropriate. I have been having those same symptoms for over a year and then started with the irregular periods about 6 months ago. Six weeks ago I started HEAVY bleeding. I have been dropping golf ball size clots, going through pads at the rate of 2 an hour, and have had the mood swings, mild depression, tired all the time, fatigue, forgetfulness to the max, and weight gain. I was very scared about the heavy bleeding so I started taking a multivitamin, 2 65 mg iron tablets, b vitamins extra strength, and vitamin d3 and c. I feel 10 times better! My husband asked me a couple of days ago what happened you are going like the energizer bunny. This might help you also along with gettting a different dr!
bobbysgirl tamie49331
Plants take up minerals better than we do - then we can use the plants to get the minerals we need.
From reading up abit and all the super advice from you ladies I am going to stick with vit b complex and may try magnesium spray and progesterone cream as a starting point.
My question is where can I buy this and what do I do with it??? Reading online it says spray 8/9 sprays and rub in?!! Sorry am I being stupid? I blame my hormonal brain! Haha
bobbysgirl chloe44713
You are not being stupid - there is a lot to take in.