Posted , 7 users are following.
Do you need your doctors approval to take vitamins? My mom asked me well did your doctor tell you? They are only vitamins I said.
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Do you need your doctors approval to take vitamins? My mom asked me well did your doctor tell you? They are only vitamins I said.
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beth64101 HotDot7
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anneporter beth64101
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beth64101 HotDot7
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jayneejay HotDot7
suppose that depends on any illness people have, what drugs they take etc etc..
Jay xx
AVR1962 HotDot7
jayneejay AVR1962
your quite right... if natural route .. B6 must be taken and higher dose, and B12 is brill, they made me human again..and glad they helping you too AVR
Calcium and Vit D a must for bone health and vit k2 is vood for bones too so i find out..
i take several others too .. if Vits were dangerous then they wouldnt be on a shelf for all to buy .. but caution should be taken if on prescribed drugs or have a serious condition... Docs should be informed then before taking i think...
Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
thank you sweetie.... i try 😃
You sound brighter today... thats good ..... think positive ..... we can get on with life then.... Today i thought of you... this morning i thought oh no I have to go out to the shopping centre and the supermarket... wasnt too fussed today, but thought of you and our little box conversation ... mind you mine wasnt anxiety, i was just thinking of the heat outside and how i couldnt be bothered hahahaha anyway, I just thought right I am off, get it done, and I really enjoyed it, even went to the garden centre on way back and had a browse... bought a jasmin... you must do this too...
just begin with a short drive to somewhere... and then get further as you build up the courage ... you will be so pleased you did ... Jay xxx
beth64101 jayneejay
Fibroids as well. Thanks for any advice
jayneejay beth64101
oh i love a subway sometimes.. tuna salad 😃
yes hun, i remember you have fibroids and thickened uterine wall..
your scan is good to have as ignoring is not the answer.. so good girl with that and dont worry...
Some women see their uterine lining thicken as they age.
Thickened uterine lining may occur if they suffer from endometrium problems, such as endometriosis. ( i had this)
These diseases cause the uterine walls to become thick, which can cause severe pain...
fibroids or polyps, however, can also cause the uterine walls to thicken.
Remember during a period we shed the lining.. but in peri and with no periods then it doesnt expell, but will possibly do so with the next period.... or may be stubborn and need assistance like a D&C or maybe the fibroids affect it aswell..
i had endometriosis and i had laser sugery to remove it as i said..
the op was fine.. i am the type of person that likes to get things out the way, and put it behind me, and you need to be more that way too, dont worry, there are options... I have thought about you with the fibroids and the thickened uterine wall .. and what I would do..
first ... i would have the ultra sound and see whats said, maybe the D&C will scrape the thickened lining for you, you said this was mentioned..
the fibroids will shrink in peri... or after peri.. with the hormones being erractic up and down, its more likely they will shrink well into peri when the hormones levels drop ... or like you said.. a hysterecromy would rid you of all of this, you have go way it all up after the ultra sound and ask and discuss the options and ask about the options i sent you, and if not a possibility why not type of thing .... i was advised to have a hyster as you know, and thank god i didnt as my endometriosis did not return like they said it would..
i also had ovarian cysts in earlier peri too big like satsumas, they were follicular cysts we all get them before a period and they go during next period, like you ... i wasnt having a period and mine grew ... but i just managed to miss surgery as by a miracle i had a heavy period and they went.. so chin up theres hope hun... my doc also practised in homeopathy and use to give me things to try too, as i was sceptical he actually gave me little powders etc for cysts free of charge ... i remember once having awful heartburn in peri and i tried everything, nothing worked, i mentioned this in passing and he gave me this homepathy powder for heartburn and i thought yer right, like thats gonna work, and it did ... it went gone ... 😀
are you having periods Beth ?
Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
well its good you get the ultra sound next week then hun..
and you should keep a diary beth, write when you have periods etc.. most important to keep track... you may be asked this and you wont be able to answer .... i even have peri diarys so i know whats happened and when, when my last periods were etc and how many a year etc.. then i know and understand whats happening to me...
you will be fine... we are always around to natter too aswell. ...
so where you driving tomorrow 😃
Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
may i ask why your mother and sister had hysterectomies.. was it same thing as you by any chance .. you dont have to tell me..
jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
well see what they say next week .. and start to think about whats right for you and what they advise..
Treatment options
If you are diagnosed with a fibroid but have no symptoms, you may not need any treatment. Your health care provider will check during your annual gynecologic exams to see if the fibroid has grown.
Pain medication
For occasional pain or mild symptoms, your health care provider may suggest either over-the-counter or prescription pain medication.
Hormone therapy
Because fibroids rely on hormones to grow, your health care provider may prescribe birth control pills or other hormone therapy, which stops fibroids from growing and may help control heavy bleeding. This type of therapy provides only temporary relief. Once hormones are stopped, the fibroids often grow back. However, when you reach menopause and your body stops producing hormones, you can stop taking medication and the fibroid may naturally decrease in size.
For women experiencing more severe symptoms, surgery may be the best option. Several procedures are available, including a traditional operation through an abdominal incision (this is considered major surgery with a lengthy recovery period) or minimally invasive procedures performed through a few tiny incisions with quicker recovery time (this is called laparoscopic surgery or may be performed with the da Vinci robotic surgical system). Your physician will determine which procedure is recommended for you depending on the size and location of the fibroids, your age, symptoms, or if you want to become pregnant in the future.
Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) is one of the more well-known treatment options for fibroids, but it is not the only treatment option. Hysterectomy is the only sure way fibroids cannot come back. A hysterectomy may be performed abdominally or laparoscopically.
Myomectomy is a procedure that removes fibroids while sparing healthy uterine tissue. This is a desirable option for women who want to have children or who want to keep their uterus. Since the uterus remains, new fibroids can still develop after myomectomy. Myomectomy is performed laparoscopically..
Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE)
This procedure is done through a tiny incision in which a tube is threaded into the blood vessels that supply the fibroids. The tube delivers particles that block the vessels, which cause the fibroids to shrink. This procedure is for women with severe symptoms who do not want a hysterectomy and do not want children afterward. UFE is performed by an interventional radiologist using imaging equipment.
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
i too use to really fear being put under anesthetic .. have you been before ?
since ... i have had ummmm let me see... i have had surgery 6 times in my life... and I kinda like it... hahahaha i was scared the first time.. but no idea why... as when you wake its over .. done and dusted...
i never felt bad either as made sure they gave me the anti nausea thing too so I didnt feel sick after... and i didnt ... still managed my scabby hospital sarny for my tea 😏
i think if I had this... I would maybe opt for hysterecromy myself, if, just if, the other options wouldnt work for me, so I was NOT worrying about fibroids all my life, they will shrink ... but maybe never go completely if not treated ... but there are other methods arent there . its if these were not an option, then i would seriously think about the hyster as a last resort... you must not fear the 'going under' its kinda nice..
they say count to 10 i think i get to 5 if i am lucky and wake and its all done, yay... then look ahead, never back ... but its a very big decision and only one you can make... just maybe the other options may be for you, but you will need to go under what ever .. to get them sorted, so try and adjust to that happening and why it has too, ' to get you well' nothing to fear... i would take your place if i could, i like the feeling of counting to 5 and out like a good un, and its all over with... 😀 jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
if i lived near you i would take you.. 😀 i really would... i dont stand for no useless doctor nonsense.. hahahaha
miscarriages? now i think we are getting to the route of this fear you have..
excuse my direct question..
did anesthetic cause the miscarriages ?
what was this bad experience, i didnt know about this, and i want to help you.
Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
well i am use to being alone, well... i have been married twice, both Royal Airforce Husbands and so thats the way of life, I am not married now, but been with my partner 8 years ' gotta be sure ' dont want to rush in 😃
hes also ex air force but works away all the time.. its just the way it is, so i accept it... and crack on... so when i go out alone, it can be abit more of an adventure as if inget pulled up by traffico etc... i have to speak my spanglish hahahaha they dont speak english, so that could get to you if you let it, but sod it now, I am not wasting any more of my life worrying about what could happen etc... I am from England, but live in southern spain, as we love it here, my son hes 29 and lives down the road, and my daughter is 23 and lives in London... Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
well first off ... dont connect the anaesthetic to the miscarriages.. it did not cause it... it was an after procedure to ensure you had nothing left behind inside you that would cause harm by not being removed.. its not nice i know.. but it wasnt the cause.. these things happen and happen for a reason, and its not nice and what you experienced was not nice..this happened to a friend of mine and its devastating, but its natures way, something wrong and we never know why exactly... it was very very early on and the best time if its going to happen, far worse to have a loss at end of pregnancy, but still devastatiing at any time... hope i am wording this as i am meaning too... writing can me taken wrong way sometimes and its not my intention...
anyway... another reason to rid these fibroids ..... but you must not connect any anesthetic with future fibroid help... put it in that box we talked about, think it through and put that thought in that box.. time to think of you at this moment... getting you 100% again...
i of course will be thinking of you... and i am here for you if you want to chat or a private message .. Jay xx
jayneejay beth64101
london, usually raining.. hahaha terribly busy, not soo pretty...
right Beth.. its almost midnight in sunny espana ... so i better sort my dogs out and get some beauty sleep.. ' if i actaully nod off' 😕
tomorrows another day... not sure what your time is but I say adios for now
' buenas noches dulces sueños'
take care of yourself... tuna salad for me .... 😀
Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
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beth64101 HotDot7
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beth64101 HotDot7
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beth64101 HotDot7
jayneejay HotDot7
I will let u know, two more weeks i am Mrs Menopause 😃 its got better last 4 months for me, about time, i am just aged 50 and been peri since 40 😗 jay
jayneejay beth64101
Didnt i tell you i had whiskers and a hairy bum crack haha only joking...
Mine you the nether regions have abit of gray, ummmm i am 50 not 90 whats that about, hope its normal 😢
jayneejay HotDot7
I agree, and its a day out 😃
jayneejay beth64101
Like dottie says... U have to feel important and at ease... If this not the case find a doc who fills u with confidence ... Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
beth64101 jayneejay
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HotDot7 beth64101