Vitamins & MTHFR factor
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Hi All,
I recently was discussing seeing an immunologist a few summers ago and what she found. I pulled up my notes and she said that I carried the MTHFR genetic factor. This is one of the genes found in people with CFS. I didn't have the other gene involved interestingly enough, but I never thought I had CFS, and knew that I had reactivated EbV. Anyway, I recommended B6 just recently, but when I pulled out what she prescribed for me it is L-Methylfolate Calcium, which is I believe Vitamin B9 which is folate.
Gosh, I was so scared to take anything back then, including this, but now that I'm stronger I'm going to start it again. Recent testing at the endo showed I was also low in Vit D and borderline B12, so adding that in too.
Interestingly enough, I just read that when you have reactions to drugs (like I was two years ago), I couldn't even take Tylenol without severe reactions, that you may be loaded down with heavy metals. Detoxing with the right foods can help. And also he described all the other symptoms of heavy metal overload as all the symptoms we suffer from. When I was hit two years ago with the worse symptoms I was also exposed to some pretty heavy pesticide spraying. Now mind you, when all of this hit I also started having wonky periods about a month into it all. So, again, it could've just been the combination of everything hitting at once, which it probably was.
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faz5503 Guest
Hi Suzanne. Thank you for sharing your personal information with us. What were you're worst symptoms and did they include insomnia, shakiness(whole body), shocks and twitching(fingers)? Do you think that the vitamins have helped at all? Thanks.
Guest faz5503
Yes to the ones you mentioned plus many more. But the worse for me is by far feeling like I always have the flu.
I was too anxiety ridden back then to take anything, and it seemed like my body was overreacting to everything. I had started BHRT even, but with the onslaught of symptoms I wasn't sure if new ones were being caused by the drugs. Of course two years later my feet are still burning and this couldn't have been the bioidenticals, but gosh, so scared back then. A pain in my calf sent me running to the vascular doc in fear of bloodclots. That's when I decided I couldn't possibly continue and keep a sane mind. Unfortunately vitamins and supplements fell into the same paranoic category.
Soooo, just starting to take these vitamins on a regular basis now that my anxiety isnt so bad.
When I hit rock bottom two years ago I was so ill, I mean feeling on death's door. I'm happy to say I'm still here. Not great but functioning and I'll take it. But boy would it be great to wake up and have one normal day instead of a few normal minutes.
faz5503 Guest
Thanks Suzanne. It sounds like you're just taking one day at a time like me. I hope that you feel better soon and that your anxiety doesn't get the better of you. All the best and kindest regards.
mary27278 Guest
Wow! Suzanne how interesting in what you said about heavy metals. I just got 7 amalgams removed in the past two months
I was told last week that filling a could have been causing do.e of my symptoms.
I am also so so sensitive to everything even progesterone, supplements, foods, etc. Since getting all of them out now ....weird things still going on with my body..just last week I was told that the heavy metals are all over my body. Now im in the phase trying to rid it. My body is constantly aching with nerve or muscle like pains jumping around , digestion is all messed up, etc. I am a messed Suzannne. What foods were you taking? I was eating certain foods also until I started a protocol sure it won't allow me to mention it here but this protocol doesn't allow certain foods because certain foods only redistribute the mercury. I agree, it may be a combination of perimenopause and this too. I really like to talk to you more about this. I may have to pm you in case moderator wont allow certain postings.
Guest mary27278
I had still had one amalgam filling, just recently it's been removed. But I do have an amalgam tattoo that I've had for years in my gums. I was scheduled to have it removed but then I had all this tooth drama (root canal and pulled old root canal tooth - which cost a fortune, so I've decided to put off the surgery until summer). I have read that you shouldn't remove all your fillings at once because that will expose you to more mercury. My dentist wore a hazmat suit to remove my last one (back in the 90's when I had the others one done, nobody took any precautions!). My dentist also told me that they are starting to discover Lyme Disease spirochetes hiding in root canal teeth! So against her advice and my better judgement I still had a root canal lately, but I couldn't imagine losing another tooth since the one in front of it was pulled last year. But that's all in another post.
Back to the metals. So apparently heavy metals are food for viruses and bacterias like EBV, shingles, strep, c diff, yeast, e coli, etc.. When viruses feed off toxic heavy metals is can cause symptoms like tingling, numbness, fatigue, anxiety, heart palps, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, neck pain, knee pain, foot pain, pain in the back of the head, and other aches and pains (sound familiar?). It can also cause one to be sensitive to any kind of drugs. And I find this very interesting; if you are adverse to cilantro you actually have too much heavy metals in your body (I hate cilantro). It's hard to be clean of heavy metals in the world we live in, so eating foods that can help like wild blueberries, cilantro, barley grass juice extract, spirulina, atlantic dulse. There are some good recipes online for smoothies. And I guess trying to avoid things like pesticides would help as well.
The naturopath I went to see two years ago thought that I had heavy metal poisoning and she started giving me chinese herbs to make a tea with.
I do think that when we start having hormonal drops our immune systems weaken and we are left having to deal with old viruses/bacterias that we used to be able to keep under control. For me it was EBV and Lyme Disease. I also wasn't sleeping when everything started going out of control. Sleep is so important for your body to repair itself. Also stress can cause things to reactivate. During the pesticide episode I was also not sleeping, was under lots of stress, and exposed to pesticides. Triple whammy. Maybe this is why some of us have so many issues related to perimeno? It's not the perimeno symptoms per se.
mary27278 Guest
I had my amalgams removed by a biological dentist and he did them one by one. Each time he removed one I actually felt better and better each time until he removed the last two. But I really think I could have redistributed it by drinking this detox tea and the protocol that I'm in forbids detoxes , and veggies such as cilantro because cilantro is high in thiols . Anything that's high in thiols will only redistribute the mercury which is why some get a adverse reaction from it. It's not the mercury itself but the thiol in cilantro. I think this hold to be true to a certain extent because I got a reaction from spirulina, cilantro, just about anything that was known to be good for heavy metals. But at the time I wasnt aware of foods or supplements being high in thiols. Did you get any better two years ago from using the Chinese herbs? I was taking Chinese herbs a few weeks ago and I think it was not bettering me but worsening my symptoms.. actually coming from having adverse reaction to the metals. I saw a new naturopath in Jan and she did a test on me that said i had heavy metals and started me on spirulina ..this is when my symptoms went haywire again after feeling better for a while. Now I'm just careful about taking things now. I'm taking lots of vit c, vit e, Zinc, magnesium for phase 1 and supporting my liver and adrenals. The second phase consist of DMSA, and Ala. which I'm hesitate of doing. because it usually flare up candida and I already have issues with candida. I have to watch the sugar and carbs because of the yeast. I really don't know what to eat. I really prefer to chelate with veggies but I don't know what reaction I will get again. But I've had one good turn around lately is that i am sleeping much better, which tells me my body is beginning to heal but a slow process. My Dr says heavy metals, yeast and parasites goes hand in hand. Once heavy metals are removed it's easier to rid the rest. and hormones can balance itself . It's just hard to go through the detox symptoms in the process.
Guest mary27278
I was thinking that you probably felt worse taking certain supplements because you were starting to detox. Like treating Lyme, when the spirochetes are dying off you feel worse.
I can't even remember how long I tried the chinese herbs. I was so sick back then. It didnt seem like anything would've helped. I went alkaline, that's when I lost 30 pounds. It made matters worse.
I'm hoping that sticking to the vitamins now might make a difference. I'm doing a woman's multi, vit C, D/K2, B12, B9. Ocassional shots of liquid iron.
I've learned recently something about iron. The naturopath had put me on iron and my cholesterol shot up from 163 to 248. A nurse on this forum told me iron does that. My ferritin is always very low. So how do you help it? I stopped taking the iron. I have xanthiomas (cholersterol deposits) under my eyes but my cholesterol is about 190. An integrative doc online sent me an article on research done. When your iron stores are low it masks the true height of your cholesterol levels. So when mine shot up being on the iron, that was my true numbers. Now that's scary.
mary27278 Guest
Suzanne you know I think you may be right about the vitamins giving a detox..everytime I take vit c I start aching. I thought that was weird since vit c suppose to be a good thing.
jamie37119 Guest
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