VIVID dreams on mirtazapine
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i have taken VALDOXAN FoR 8 months but still woke up 7 times a night .. only started mirtazapine a week ago put myself on 7.5 mg but i am having wonderful vivid dreams to the point i wish they were true .. i am on holidays in hawaii i andi am going on a cruise to thailand .. just beautiful i dont want to wAKE UP
1 like, 5 replies
ted46777 Bigcat2008
Yeah the dreams you get on it are unreal. I miss taking it for that reason. But they did seem to ease off after a months use. I had to give it up cos it was causing too much weight gain. Craving for southern fried chicken.
jules27056 Bigcat2008
Your lucky, I too take 7.5mg and have very vivid dreams but never being on a cruise!
There not nightmares but never that good. Your right though sometimes in my dream I actually wake myself up saying this is NOT a dream, it's so real.
Without this small dose I can't sleep at all, have tried but sleep deprivation is not nice.
darla23 Bigcat2008
Oh yes i have been on it for 3 years! My dreams are awful nightmares. I am trying to taper off now. I am down to half a 7.5mg. I know that is just a tiny amount but I am very sensitive to medication. I have put on 35 pounds and weigh the most I have ever weighed. Back to the dreams, I wake up and do not know what is real, the dream or the present. It scares me half to death. I just want off these psych meds. Anyone taper off successfully? When did you jump off?
darla23 Bigcat2008
Oh yes i have been on it for 3 years! My dreams are awful nightmares. I am trying to taper off now. I am down to half a 7.5mg. I know that is just a tiny amount but I am very sensitive to medication. I have put on 35 pounds and weigh the most I have ever weighed. Back to the dreams, I wake up and do not know what is real, the dream or the present. It scares me half to death. I just want off these psych meds. Anyone taper off successfully? When did you jump off?
darla23 Bigcat2008
Oh yes i have been on it for 3 years! My dreams are awful nightmares. I am trying to taper off now. I am down to half a 7.5mg. I know that is just a tiny amount but I am very sensitive to medication. I have put on 35 pounds and weigh the most I have ever weighed. Back to the dreams, I wake up and do not know what is real, the dream or the present. It scares me half to death. I just want off these psych meds. Anyone taper off successfully? When did you jump off?