Posted , 6 users are following.
Does anyone else vomit with there hot flushes mine starts in my stomach then rise to my face and retch or vomit till it passes btw I'm post menopause x
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Does anyone else vomit with there hot flushes mine starts in my stomach then rise to my face and retch or vomit till it passes btw I'm post menopause x
0 likes, 12 replies
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jayneejay cazjaz16
i never vomit with hotflushes
go see your doctor hun..
jay x
cazjaz16 jayneejay
lisa215 cazjaz16
I've also never had this with hot flushes but my sister in law had something very similar and it turned out to be a gastric ulcer. She had it for s long time before she went to her gp. She was treated with.antibiotics and she doesn't get it any more.
She initially put it down to menopause as well.
I hope you feel better soon x
cazjaz16 lisa215
jayneejay cazjaz16
what do you mean hormone cream for below ..
i have vaginal dryness .. gyno gave me ovestin vag ovules and ovestin cream for outer bits .. ( Estriol ) kinder estrogen
as for smears, yes yes yes .. Never not have one.. I have one annually where i live i am age 50 i have an annual well woman check..
thats Colposcopy ( Gyno looks at cervical and vaginal cells) a smear, a 3D breast scan and a transvaginal scan where by he shows me my uturine thickness and ovaries on screen and explains things to me..
He confirmed my ovaries were non functioning, no follicles and post menopause after 12 months no periods..
so pick up the phone and book it, in peri and post meno more reason for smear and check on everything ..
jay x
cazjaz16 jayneejay
jayneejay cazjaz16
i live in Spain and i pay for a well woman check etc ..
most important at this time..
have you used a thrush treatment ?
Maybe thats what it is..
canestan once cream vaginally and also an oral tablet too.
Jay x
cazjaz16 jayneejay
susan21149 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 susan21149
kristi63 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 kristi63